Succession Planning as Continuity of Mission: December Integrity Conversation (Summary)

For the past several months, a practice cohort focused on succession planning has been working alongside Creating the Future’s Integrity Body (aka our board). Or at least we began by thinking about “succession planning.” After asking just the first few questions in Catalytic Thinking, the focus moved quickly to what succession planning makes possible. The … Read more

Succession Planning: January 2022 Integrity Conversation

Creating the Future’s Integrity Meeting: Monday, January 10, 2022 10am – 12pm Pacific time Topic: Applying Catalytic Thinking to Succession Planning  Watch the meeting LIVE at this post. Just scroll to the very bottom of the page. Details about how to participate are below. Applying Catalytic Thinking to Succession Planning: At our January meeting, our … Read more

Succession Planning: December 2021 Integrity Conversation

Creating the Future’s Integrity Meeting: Monday, December 13th, from 10am – 12pm Pacific time Topic: Applying the Integrity lens to Succession Planning  Watch the meeting LIVE at this post. Just scroll to the very bottom of the page. Details about how to participate are below. Applying the Integrity Lens to Succession Planning: This month, our … Read more

Making Social Change More Effective: It’s Not ONE Thing, It’s EVERYTHING (A New Program)

$471 billion dollars1 1.3 million organizations1 12 million employees1 This is the nonprofit sector in the United States at a glance. So much money. So many organizations. So many people. And so much frustration. All of us sensing that more change is possible, often feeling like we are taking 2 steps forward and 1.5 steps … Read more

Succession Planning: November 2021 Integrity Conversation

Creating the Future’s Integrity Meeting: Monday, November 8th, from 10am – 12pm Pacific time Topic: Applying the Integrity lens to Succession Planning  Watch the meeting LIVE at this post. Just scroll to the very bottom of the page. Details about how to participate are below. Applying the Integrity Lens to Succession Planning: This month, our … Read more

Recruiting Board Members for our Integrity Board: Part 2

Creating the Future is preparing to recruit new board members! This is an exciting step for us, as we design a recruitment process that can live on as the organization grows and changes. As with all things at Creating the Future, we are employing Catalytic Thinking to guide this process. Our conversation began at our … Read more

Communications & Engagement: Choose Wisely (Summary: Mtg #4)

Last week, Creating the Future had its 4th meeting to create our communications / engagement strategy. For background, the following are discussion summaries from the meetings that led up to this one: Meeting #1: Who will see our messages (whether the intended audience or not)? What do we want those messages to make possible for … Read more

Communications Strategy: What Our Messages Must Accomplish (Summary of Mtg #2)

Here’s something most people don’t think about, but that affects all of our lives every day: For the most part, the everyday systems we all encounter are rooted in suspicion and reactivity. Think about it. Laws that are meant to keep you from messing up, which then enumerate the repercussions if you do. Human resource … Read more

Designing Communications / Engagement Strategy: Taking ACTION!

Our Final Live meeting is Thursday, December 12th at 11:30am ETScroll down to watch it and participate. Tweet in questions and comments with the hashtag #CreatingTheFuture  Creating the Future is crafting a communications strategy, to help accomplish our mission and vision – creating a world that works for all of us. Our last two meetings … Read more

Communications Strategy for Creating the Future: Summary of Meeting #1

On Thursday, September 19, a small group gathered to begin crafting Creating the Future’s communications strategy. In this post, first we’ll share what transpired during that meeting. Then we’ll share some observations about the meeting overall. Purpose for the Plan: Creating the Future’s first few years were spent in proof-of-concept. We experimented with re-imagining systems. … Read more