Designing Communications / Engagement Strategy: Taking ACTION!

Our Final Live meeting is Thursday, December 12th at 11:30am ET
Scroll down to watch it and participate.

Tweet in questions and comments with the hashtag #CreatingTheFuture 

Creating the Future is crafting a communications strategy, to help accomplish our mission and vision - creating a world that works for all of us.

Our last two meetings in this process will be

Wednesday, December 11th from 1pm to 3pm Eastern time
Thursday, December 12th from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm Eastern time

And you are invited to be part of that!

Our Communications Strategy Planning
This will be meeting #3 of our strategy planning. For background about this planning, and to see what we already talked about, this summary of our first meeting covers a lot of ground. And this summary of Meeting #2 is downright exciting!

Because Creating the Future's strategy meetings are always open for anyone to participate (or just watch), you are invited to be part of this strategy development process. 

When you join us, you will have a front row seat to experience how Catalytic Thinking can be used for developing strategy of any kind, and in particular for developing communications and engagement strategy. (To see the powerful difference that makes in communications strategy, some of those differences are noted here.

That means this meeting is an opportunity to experience and practice Catalytic Thinking, while adding your wisdom to this exciting project!

If you are interested in joining us, but were not at the first two meetings, no worries. We will make sure you have everything you need to feel fully up to speed.

Meeting Details
Our final two meetings will take place as follows:

Wednesday, December 11th from 1pm to 3pm Eastern time
Thursday, December 12th from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm Eastern time

The sessions will be guided by Catalytic Thinking. You can find more info about Catalytic Thinking here. 

Where we meet:
The meeting will occur online. You can watch right here at this post, or join us inside the meeting. 

Watch Wednesday's Meeting


Star Icon Blueor Download the MP3
(To download to your hard drive, right-click {or click and hold on a Mac} on the link above and select
"Save Target As".. or "Save Link as"... depending on your browser)


Watch Thursday's Meeting


Star Icon Blueor Download the MP3
(To download to your hard drive, right-click {or click and hold on a Mac} on the link above and select "Save Target As".. or "Save Link as"... depending on your browser)

How to participate:
There are 3 ways you can participate in our meetings.

Join us inside the meeting:
If your familiarity with and commitment to Creating the Future’s work is calling you to be actively involved in the discussion, side-by-side at our online “meeting table,” let us know, and we will send you an invitation to join us online.

Watch and Tweet
If you want to participate but are unable to be in the meeting itself (perhaps you’re at work, or maybe at home with kids running around, etc.), watch the live-stream in real time and tweet your questions and ideas to us via the hashtag #CreatingTheFuture. We read those tweets aloud during the meeting, just as if you were there. This is a great first step for those who are not as familiar with our work, but want to get more involved.

To watch and tweet, just come back to this very post. The meeting will be posted at the top of the page.  If the video does not appear precisely on time, please be patient – we are probably just running a few minutes late or having technical difficulties (the bane of living online).

(Please note: If you would like to tweet to us, we will only see your tweets if you use the #CreatingTheFuture hashtag at Twitter. We will only check comments here at the blog once the meeting is over. So if you want your thoughts or questions included in real time, please be sure to use the #CreatingTheFuture hashtag at Twitter.)

Watch and Respond Later
Lastly, if you want to simply watch, or you want to think about what you’re hearing and respond later – or if you will be watching the recording after the meeting happens – please add your thoughts into the comments here at this post. We will include that thinking into the mix of things.

Background info for this meeting can be found at the following posts:

Background about the next phase of Creating the Future's work.

Watch / listen to Meeting #1 at this post.

Read a summary of Meeting #1 at this post.

We hope to see you there!

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