Hiring Practices & Catalytic Thinking: Summary of Meeting #3

At this month’s Integrity Team meeting, we continued discussing one of the most important topics an organization can address: Hiring and contracting processes and practices. Background During 2023, a big part of our work was to determine the plan for accomplishing our mission in the remaining 3 years of our 10-year mission.  That plan is now done, and … Read more

Hiring Practices & Catalytic Thinking: Summary of Meeting #2

At the March meeting of Creating the Future’s Integrity Board, we continued applying Catalytic Thinking to the critical conversation around hiring and contracting processes and practices. At our first meeting about this topic in February, we had already addressed the first two questions of Catalytic Thinking – the question of who would be affected by … Read more

Hiring Practices & Catalytic Thinking: Summary of Meeting #1

Last month, Creating the Future’s Integrity Board began tackling a critical conversation for any social change organization: Hiring and contracting processes and practices. During 2023, a big part of our work was to determine the plan for accomplishing our mission in the remaining 3 years of our 10-year mission. That process gave us the opportunity to slowly think … Read more

What’s Next for our Mission: Discussion (Integrity / Board meeting November 2023)

Creating the Future’s Integrity Body (Board) Meeting: Monday, November 13, 2023 10am-12pm Pacific time / 1pm-3pm Eastern time / 6pm-8pm UK time Topic: Next Steps for Our Mission Watch the meeting LIVE at this post. Just scroll to the very bottom of the page. Details about how to participate are below. Next Steps for Our … Read more

Our 10-year Mission Clock: March 2023 Integrity Body meeting (Summary)

Since June of 2022, the focus of our work at Creating the Future has been around engaging our community to determine what’s next for our mission. That mandate has centered on the fact of the 10 year clock of our mission. What will we accomplish in the remaining 4 years of our mission? This year, … Read more

Analyzing What Our Community Told Us: December 2022 Integrity Body meeting (Summary)

For the past few months, Creating the Future has embarked on one of our biggest experiments yet – engaging our community in a global Catalytic Thinking process, to determine what’s next for our mission. As we prepared for our December Integrity Body meeting, we realized that the only ones who haven’t had a chance to … Read more

Community Engagement Planning: SUMMARY of Meeting #5

Our planning conversations continue – and this one was a lively one, as we seek to wrap up this plan by the end of August. You can watch the whole conversation at this link. Please join us for the final meeting in this process on August 30 – info about that meeting is here. For … Read more

Community Engagement Planning: Summary of Meeting #4

Our fourth planning meeting for our community engagement efforts was a time for more personal reflection on what it means to be in community with others.  For background, you’ll find the summary of our first planning meeting here. Our second meeting is summarized here, and our third meeting is summarized here. This particular meeting was … Read more

Community Engagement Planning: Summary of Meeting #3

Our third planning meeting for our community engagement efforts was a real brain-bender, as we followed Catalytic Thinking to consider the conditions under which people would want to be in conversation with us. For background, you’ll find the summary of our first planning meeting here. And our second meeting is summarized here. In addition to … Read more

Community Engagement Planning: Meeting #2 Summary DETAIL

The following are the detailed notes from our June 27, 2022 Community Engagement Planning conversation. Prior Meeting Recap During our first meeting, we asked the first question of Catalytic Thinking: Who will be affected? After coming up with a long list, we then discussed why community engagement is important, what makes it good when it … Read more