8 Ways to Calm Your Survival Brain (Why You Aren’t Thinking Clearly: Part 2)

This is Part 2 of the article, Why You Aren’t Thinking Clearly: The Brain Science of Fear in Uncertain Times. We strongly encourage you to read Part 1 before diving in here, to understand how our brains are doing exactly what they were designed to do.  Calming Your Survival Brain If you’ve tried reasoning with … Read more

Our Goals for 2020 and Beyond

Creating the Future is at an exciting jumping off point, to scale the impact of our mission as broadly as possible. And we want YOU to be part of that! Creating the Future’s mission is to help you change the systems* you encounter every day, through the questions you ask. So many of the systems … Read more

Bylaws that Matter: Our February 2020 Board / Community Meeting

Creating the Future’s Board / Community Meeting: Monday, February 10, 2020 10am – 12pm Pacific time Topic: Writing BYLAWS that actually matter! or LISTEN TO THE MEETING HERE https://creatingthefuture.org/wp-content/uploads/____________.mp3 or Download the MP3 (To download to your hard drive, right-click {or click and hold on a Mac} on the link above and select “Save Target As”.. … Read more

Building a New Board Structure: January 2020 Board / Community Meeting

Creating the Future’s Board / Community Meeting: Monday, January 13, 2020 10am – 12pm Pacific time Topic: Clarifying our board’s new role and determining next steps in building that! Watch / listen to the meeting at the bottom of this page Creating the Future’s board has spent the past several years designing an organizational structure … Read more

Communications & Engagement: Choose Wisely (Summary: Mtg #4)

Last week, Creating the Future had its 4th meeting to create our communications / engagement strategy. For background, the following are discussion summaries from the meetings that led up to this one: Meeting #1: Who will see our messages (whether the intended audience or not)? What do we want those messages to make possible for … Read more

What is Catalytic Thinking? (videos)

If you’ve been curious about Catalytic Thinking, we hope you’ve had a chance to visit the overview and resources at this page. From there, the following videos show a bit more about what the framework looks like in practice. This first video is actually a class, describing the science, the theory, and the practice of … Read more

Catalytic Thinking: A Framework for Creating and Scaling Powerful Results

NOTE: This post is Part 2 of Creating the Future’s “Theory of Everything.” You will find Part 1 – the theory – at this post here. Catalytic Thinking is a set of practices that make explicit the simple factors that create positive results, so those results can be consistently replicated and scaled. The Back-Story In 1998, … Read more