Community Engagement Planning: July 14, 2022

Community Engagement Planning Conversation: Thursday, July 14, 2022 12pm-2pm Pacific time / 3pm-5pm Eastern time Watch the meeting LIVE at this post. Just scroll to the very bottom of the page. Details about how to participate are below. Crafting a Community Engagement Plan Over the past few months, the conversations of our Integrity Body have … Read more

Community Engagement Planning: Meeting #2 Summary DETAIL

The following are the detailed notes from our June 27, 2022 Community Engagement Planning conversation. Prior Meeting Recap During our first meeting, we asked the first question of Catalytic Thinking: Who will be affected? After coming up with a long list, we then discussed why community engagement is important, what makes it good when it … Read more

Community Engagement Planning: July 11, 2022

Community Engagement Planning Conversation: Monday, July 11, 2022 10am – 12pm Pacific time / 1pm-3pm Eastern time Watch the meeting LIVE at this post. Just scroll to the very bottom of the page. Details about how to participate are below. Crafting a Community Engagement Plan Over the past few months, the conversations of our Integrity … Read more

Community Engagement Planning: What Engagement Makes Possible (Summary Mtg #2)

Creating the Future is applying Catalytic Thinking to building our Community Engagement plan. Following that framework, at our first meeting, we asked “Who will be affected by our engagement efforts, whether they are the intended audience or not?” We then took slow time discussing why engagement matters. For folks doing social change work, what is … Read more

Community Engagement Planning: June 27, 2022

Community Engagement Planning Conversation: Monday, June 27, 2022 11am – 1pm Pacific time / 2pm-4pm Eastern time Watch the meeting LIVE at this post. Just scroll to the very bottom of the page. Details about how to participate are below. Crafting a Community Engagement Plan Over the past few months, the conversations of our Integrity … Read more

Community Engagement Planning: Summary of Meeting #1

Over the past few months, the conversations of our Integrity Team (known in most organizations as the board) have evolved to consider what’s next for our mission. Following our values, as well as the very first question in the Catalytic Thinking framework, our first step in the process will be to ensure that decisions about our future are led … Read more

Community Engagement Planning: You’re Invited! June 13, 2022

Community Engagement Planning Conversation: Monday, June 13, 2022 12pm – 2pm Pacific time Watch the meeting LIVE at this post. Just scroll to the very bottom of the page. Details about how to participate are below. Crafting a Community Engagement Plan Over the past few months, the conversations of our Integrity Body (known in most … Read more

What’s Next for Creating the Future? Integrity Conversation April 21, 2022: Summary

For the past several months, Creating the Future’s Integrity Body (aka our board) has been focusing on what’s next for Creating the Future’s mission. This line of inquiry began last October, when we began applying the questions of Catalytic Thinking to the topic of succession planning. By the time we got to the question “What does … Read more

What’s Next for Creating the Future? April 21, 2022 Integrity Conversation

Creating the Future’s Integrity Conversation: Thursday, April 21, 2022 12pm – 2pm Pacific time Topic: What’s Next for Creating the Future?  Watch the meeting LIVE at this post. Just scroll to the very bottom of the page. Details about how to participate are below. What’s Next for Our Mission? Over the past few months, the … Read more

What’s Next for Creating the Future? Chapter 1

Creating the Future is celebrating an exciting point in our work: the 5-year mark in our 10-year experiment. (Why 10-years? This is why.) Reflecting on what we’ve accomplished so far, the next question is clear: What’s next? That is where you come in! Catalytic Thinking guides us to ask who will be affected by whatever … Read more