Designing Communications / Engagement Strategy: Conditions for Success (Meeting #2)

Designing Communication/Engagement Strategy Meeting #2 was held on Thursday, September 25th from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm ET Watch the meeting HERE or, After the meeting – LISTEN TO THE MEETING HERE or Download the MP3 (To download to your hard drive, right-click {or click and hold on a Mac} on the link above … Read more

Walking the Talk of Inclusion and Possibility in Communications Strategy

This week, Creating the Future will begin developing a communications strategy, to move our work to the next level. (You can watch or participate in that session here.) Because we will use Catalytic Thinking to develop that strategy, you may notice that some of the questions we ask feel different from questions posed in traditional … Read more

Designing Communications / Engagement Strategy via Catalytic Thinking

Creating the Future is embarking on a project to propel systems change towards its potential – creating a world that works for all of us. And you are invited to be part of that! The Project Creating the Future is taking first steps in convening an effort to align social change support systems (like funding … Read more

Engaging Unlikely Allies for Your Cause: How-to (Part 2)

What is possible when you move beyond talking to the same people over and over, and begin instead to Engage Unlikely Allies in your work? In Part One of this post, we talked about the huge potential that is waiting to be tapped when you engage those unlikely allies. If you have not read that … Read more

Engaging Unlikely Allies for Your Cause: The Potential (Part 1)

Question: What do climate change and autoimmune disease have in common? Answer: A lot. Bigger Question: Given that environmental factors affect all sorts of diseases, what could be accomplished if those two groups worked together? Bigger Answer: A lot! Over the past twelve months, I’ve had great opportunities to consider what engaging unlikely allies makes … Read more

Community Engagement: 5 Tips

This post is the 4th in a series describing Creating the Future’s first “Road Tour,” a two-month community engagement effort that saw our founders connecting with people in communities across California and Nevada in late 2018. You can read these posts from the beginning here. Last fall, we set out for two months on the road, … Read more

The Goal of Engagement is Engagement: Tour Post #3

This post is the 3rd in a series describing Creating the Future’s first “Road Tour,” a two-month community engagement effort that saw our founders connecting with people in communities across California and Nevada in late 2018. You can read these posts from the beginning here. What would it take for people to feel ownership of … Read more

Planning Our Community Engagement Tour: Post #2

This post is the 2nd in a series describing Creating the Future’s first “Road Tour,” a two-month community engagement effort that saw our founders connecting with people in communities across California and Nevada in late 2018. You can read these posts from the beginning here. The Idea Before we get into how we planned for this … Read more

Engagement 101: Get Out of the Office! (Road Tour Post #1)

I’ve started this post 100 times in my mind. Every time, a new story rises to the top… “Today 75 business students from around the world gathered to learn how to use cause-and-effect to create powerful results… “Today a young change-maker identified steps to create the world she wants to see… “Today a group of … Read more

What Does It Take to Nurture an Online Community? PEOPLE!

Nonprofit/Community Benefit Organization Consultants Facebook Group Meeting #3  On February 9, 2017, members of the Facebook Group Nonprofit / Community Benefit Organization Consultants continued exploring what it takes to nurture an online community. A project of Creating the Future, this Facebook group has more than 500 members, each of whom in some way serves the … Read more