Business Model or Mission Model?

In plain English, the word “mission” doesn’t mean “something we do forever.” A mission is either accomplished or impossible. We either get the job done, or we go home. Which means the most powerful question any change effort can ask is, “If we intend to accomplish our mission and actually change conditions in our communities, … Read more

Getting People to Change

If creating the world we want means getting people to change what they currently do, how can we get people to change? That’s a question we hear a lot when we tell people what we’re doing at Creating the Future. We share that we are building a movement for making visionary community results the norm … Read more

Giving Boards What They Need to Lead

What does a board need in order to lead? No, I’m not talking about what boards are supposed to DO. Leading is not about “doing” but about “being” and “thinking.” What do board members need in order to BE leaders? This is not just an academic question for us, as we are right now in … Read more

Conflict of Interest & Transparency

The post on Conflict of Interest earlier this week has led to some of the most interesting discussion about organizational leadership issues I’ve seen in a while. To all who participated, thank you! (And to all who missed it, read through the comments here.) Of the many issues that arose in that discussion, some have … Read more

Founding Boards & Conflict of Interest

Conflict of interest is a critical matter for any board, but it is particularly an issue among founding boards. After all, those boards are usually filled with people who are close to the founder – and when that happens, all sorts of potential for conflict arises. As we build the board at Creating the Future, … Read more

What Do You Wish Your Board Would Learn?

We’re excited to be launching a new program – a program that readers here, and colleagues at Facebook and LinkedIn all said would be a huge help. Board education in digestible chunks.  20-30 minute audio classes for listening in your car or with your board. Going deep into a narrow topic, with thought-starters to move … Read more

Having Fun Building Organizational Infrastructure (Really!)

It’s official: Creating the Future is building its infrastructure and becoming a real live organization! Not that our efforts haven’t been “real” so far. It’s just that we have always felt like we’ve lived in two worlds. On the one side, we have always believed in our hearts that the Community Benefit Sector holds the … Read more

Recruiting OUR Board!

It’s time for us to do one of the most exciting things I can think of – recruit the founding board for Creating the Future! Yes, exciting. It’s exciting because a board means this organization is real (not that we don’t already have programs that are extremely real, and all the other stuff that says, … Read more