This area is filled with how-to articles, engaging conversations, and tons of examples of Catalytic Thinking in Action including actual planning sessions. Much to explore and learn from!

Lessons in Transparency

Last year, as we planned to incorporate the Community-Driven Institute as its own tax exempt organization, we considered all the steps new organizations take in the beginning – build a board, apply for tax exempt status, build sustainability (financial and otherwise), and a whole line-up of tasks beyond that. As we began that planning, the … Read more

No Time to Think

The conversation I shared yesterday, with a young social change agent trying to find his path, brought up for me an issue that is glaringly absent in almost all discussions of “best practice” in the social change arena. Put simply, we devalue thinking, exploring, experimenting. What we value is “doing.” When individuals take time for … Read more

Coaching vs. Consulting

An interesting discussion ensued on Facebook the other day.  As I pondered a blog post that has been brewing in my mind, I asked, “Coaches: I’m working on a list of the ways coaching is different from consulting. Any ideas / thoughts?” I was not prepared for 18 responses, some contradicting others, all of which … Read more