Teaching on Behalf of Creating the Future (Meeting #1)

What training do people need if they are going to teach on behalf of Creating the Future? What qualifications / qualities might we seek? Join us today at 3pm Eastern time, as we begin to explore these questions and more. Today's topic: What would educational programs look like if they are amplifying / accelerating a … Read more

Join our Branding / Messaging Meeting Right Here!

Friday (tomorrow), February 22 at 4pm Eastern time we will be live streaming the continuation of our Branding / Messaging work. (For context, a summary of the first two meetings and the thinking that arose from them is at this link.)  You will be able to watch that live-streamed discussion right here. (The video will … Read more

Resource Development Planning – Executive Summary

Last month, in 3 online discussions (complete videos of Meeting #1, Meeting #2 and Meeting #3) and several informal conversations, we developed the resource development plan for stabilizing and enhancing Creating the Future’s current efforts. This short video shares highlights from that plan, within the context of the mission we intend to accomplish. Looking forward … Read more

Volunteerism as Participation

Earlier this month, we joined together with colleagues who care about the potential of volunteerism to create the world we want – moving beyond the concept of “volunteering” to a more impactful concept of “participation.” In addition to Hildy and Dimitri from Creating the Future, the folks in the video include Lisa Humenik (20+ year … Read more

Resource Development – Wrapping Up Our Plan

Today at 1pm Mountain time US (3pm ET) we will be live streaming the continuation of our Resource Development planning (for the first two meetings for context, here is Session #1 and here is Session #2).   Creating the Future takes an asset-based approach to resource development (described here). Today we will wrap up (hopefully) … Read more

Openly Inviting Participation

“Enjoy serendipity, discovery, emergent social learning, into a never ending journey towards understanding complexity. Make the emergent learning and spiralling of discoveries a social purpose, a learning to learn process, a metacognition…” * Being part of Creating the Future is always an adventure. As a living laboratory, our work is about pushing boundaries and exploring … Read more

Resource Development – Community Impact Planning as an Asset to Build Upon

Today at 1pm Mountain time US (3pm ET) we will be live streaming the continuation of our Resource Development planning (for the first meeting, link here for context).   Creating the Future takes an asset-based approach to resource development (described here). Today we will focus on our framework for Community Impact Planning as an asset … Read more

Resource Development Planning January 11, 2013

Earlier this week, we attempted to begin Creating the Future’s plan for resource development – doing so live online, as we’ve begun doing with all our planning. Unfortunately, our planning session quickly became a learning opportunity about the technology of the broadcast, as we learned from someone who had been trying to participate that the … Read more