Creating the Future's Faculty: Qualities & Proficiencies (Mtg #2: Summary)

As we continue to home in on the qualities and proficiencies that will be required for faculty to teach on behalf of Creating the Future, our discussions become more and more rich. That is not unusual. In our experience, when we talk about qualifications (i.e. indicators of qualities and proficiencies), that discussion is often rooted … Read more

Let’s Craft this Proposal Together!

For the very first time in their history, BoardSource is opening their 2013 conference to speakers outside their own realm. Which means that pretty much everyone remotely related to boards and governance is spending this week writing a proposal to present at the BoardSource conference – including us! Several of Creating the Future’s governance geeks … Read more

Faculty Development: Qualities, Not Qualifications (Meeting #2)

What would it make possible if everyone, everywhere, understood what really creates positive change in communities and in our world? And what would it make possible if everyone was putting that into practice in everything we all do? The answer is simple: We would be at least a little closer (and hopefully visibly closer) to … Read more

Program Deconstruction: Part 2

Today we dive into Part 2 of our deconstructing the biggest, hairiest, most complex mission asset Creating the Future has – our immersion education program. (Details about the content of today's session are at this link.) We have several goals for this session. In no particular order… Have a record of exactly what it takes … Read more

Building Programs Upon Our Existing Assets

Today we will begin deconstructing the biggest, hairiest, most complex mission asset Creating the Future has – our immersion education program. (Details about the content of today’s session are at this link.) We have several goals for this session. In no particular order… Have a record of exactly what it takes to produce the immersion … Read more

Education that Accelerates Movements (Faculty Development Mtg #1: Summary)

What qualifications do we want people have, to teach classes on behalf of Creating the Future? That question, in any other realm, might begin a conversation that brainstorms qualifications. People might suggest bringing in a faculty development expert. Others might begin suggesting one-on-one mentorships or online classes or other formats for instruction. The question would … Read more