Volunteerism as Participation

Earlier this month, we joined together with colleagues who care about the potential of volunteerism to create the world we want – moving beyond the concept of “volunteering” to a more impactful concept of “participation.”

In addition to Hildy and Dimitri from Creating the Future, the folks in the video include Lisa Humenik (20+ year volunteer coordinator, teacher, and former CEO of the Volunteer Center of Southern Arizona), Kathy Dixon (20+ year City Council Aide, working in community-building and neighborhood relations), Gayle Valeriote (formerly the head of consulting for the Volunteer Centre of Guelph & Wellington) and Rachel Fagen (Office Manager at the Center for Effective Philanthropy and a StartingBlock fellow, focusing on the different approaches to effective volunteer experiences).

The following are the videos of that session. And rather than wait until we have edited in the slides (this was our first online session, and we didn’t yet have the hang of how the technology would work), we wanted to be sure you could listen to this incredible conversation. Enjoy!

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