Why Problem-Solving Doesn't Solve Problems (Part 3)

This post is the 3rd & final installment in a series. To begin at Part 1 head here. The Evidence We’ve established that Problem-Solving solves neither complex organizational problems nor complex social problems.  And we’ve posited that the only thing that CAN solve such problems is to look beyond the problem – beyond “zero” – … Read more

Why Problem-Solving Doesn’t Solve Problems

The War on Drugs. The War on Poverty. The War on Illegal Immigration. Fixing a dysfunctional board. Team-building to boost employee morale. What do all these things have in common? If you answered, “None of them have solved the problem,” you would be right.  Decades of fighting drugs, poverty, illegal immigration; decades of trying to … Read more

Learning by Teaching

Several weeks ago I blogged about a conversation with my almost-85-year-old mom about Twitter. Explaining Twitter to Grandma Rose has become one of the most popular posts I’ve ever written, still being passed around the web (and please, keep sharing it!). This morning I offer you Part 2 of that story. I called Rose last … Read more

Intro to Community-Driven Consulting

As part of the launch this week of The Pollyanna Principles, we hosted a 90 minute teleclass, Introduction to Community-Driven Consulting. The class touched on a range of questions, including these: • What is Community-Driven Consulting and how is it different from the consulting I’m doing now? • Will I have to learn all new … Read more

Community-Driven Consulting – Stay Tuned!

Last week, something life-changing happened for 10 people who did not expect it. A group of consultants from across the U.S. and Canada gathered for 4 intense days, to develop the Consultants’ Curriculum for the Community-Driven Institute. I will try to describe our time together, knowing that instead I might simply say, “Magic happened.” We … Read more