Building a New Program – Together

It is no secret that programs are more effective when the people who will be impacted by those programs are the ones to help build them. And it makes logical sense that the time to engage folks in dialogue about a new program is not at the program’s formal coming-out party, but at the moment … Read more

Recruiting OUR Board!

It’s time for us to do one of the most exciting things I can think of – recruit the founding board for Creating the Future! Yes, exciting. It’s exciting because a board means this organization is real (not that we don’t already have programs that are extremely real, and all the other stuff that says, … Read more

Fully Present to What is Possible

Most of us have had the experience of sitting by the sea, or on a mountaintop, looking out over the vastness of everything. Sitting there quietly, breathing in and out and in and out, the world seems to all make sense. We feel small, we see the inter-relatedness of everything. For a moment, we get … Read more

Building a Program by Engaging Community

On August 1, I embarked on a month of “semi-sabbatical,” writing and exploring and planning and reading.  I say “semi-sabbatical” because I only decided mid-July that the time was right.  So there are still some tasks to be done, some projects with timelines that won’t allow me to simply abandon ship.  This post is about … Read more

We Don’t Do That… Do We?

A thought occurred to me today, as I was reading a post from yet another well-meaning business person wanting to donate his skills to a “nonprofit” because those “poor nonprofits” so badly need business skills. Well-meaning. Patronizing. Maddening. We all see varying degrees of this in individuals and institutions who speak from their self-appointed place … Read more

Lessons in Transparency

Last year, as we planned to incorporate the Community-Driven Institute as its own tax exempt organization, we considered all the steps new organizations take in the beginning – build a board, apply for tax exempt status, build sustainability (financial and otherwise), and a whole line-up of tasks beyond that. As we began that planning, the … Read more