Change the Questions, Change the World! (Video)

City Club TweetHow can the questions we ask in our day-to-day work significantly enhance the quality of life in our communities?

Last month, I was honored to speak at the prestigious City Club of Portland, to share what we have learned at Creating the Future about what really creates social change.

And when I say it was an honor, I couldn’t mean that more.

First, City Club is a place where civic-minded big thinkers go to stretch their minds. From racism to climate change to the debates for local and statewide elected offices, City Club is definitely where I would be every Friday lunchtime if I lived in Portland.

Second, the audience was amazing. They tweeted their thoughts for days after the event, long after I was already 1,000 miles away. They asked insightful questions. They got it – deep in their bones. That is every speaker’s dream!

Lastly and so importantly, City Club models so much of what Creating the Future is all about. They ask the big questions, and then, through their partnership with Oregon Public Broadcasting, they ensure that all that big thinking reaches out into the airwaves, so that anyone can listen and learn and explore. So many membership organizations hoard their best stuff as a perk of membership; City Club stays true to its purpose, seeing their mission as being first and foremost about the community. Wow.

As a gift of gratitude to City Club of Portland, we’ve added a bit of a thank-you onto the video of my talk there. If you live in or around Portland, we encourage you to be part of their work!

And no matter where you are in the world, we hope this 40 minutes (plus Q&A) inspires you to change how you think about your work, your community, and your life!

Note: There is an MP3 link below the video, for those who want to download and listen while you commute.


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