Friends for Real

Something surprising happened to me this week. I was preparing a pre-reading list for a client – the list of readings and video clips that allow our precious face-to-face time to be more meaningful.  This workshop will be about engagement, and so I flipped through the books I’ve written on those subjects, to cite pages … Read more

We Don’t Do That… Do We?

A thought occurred to me today, as I was reading a post from yet another well-meaning business person wanting to donate his skills to a “nonprofit” because those “poor nonprofits” so badly need business skills. Well-meaning. Patronizing. Maddening. We all see varying degrees of this in individuals and institutions who speak from their self-appointed place … Read more

Clyde, King of Community Engagement

This week, Clyde announced it is officially the holiday season! Given the focus on Transparency & Engagement that has captured me the past few weeks, it seems only fitting that I re-post last year’s post introducing Clyde. Somehow that post is even more appropriate this year than it was last year. Enjoy! ***** If Community … Read more

Transparency & Community Engagement: Part 2

Yesterday’s post originally ran 2 years ago. The comments following both the original post and its re-run yesterday talked about a hesitancy to be transparent, the desire to keep organizational issues in the “back yard” where no one would see them. I can understand that. Building the Community-Driven Institute, Dimitri and I often wonder how … Read more