This area is filled with how-to articles, engaging conversations, and tons of examples of Catalytic Thinking in Action including actual planning sessions. Much to explore and learn from!

Analysis and Learning: When "Failure" is Success

The first-ever, last-minute, Creating the Future year-end appeal is now officially over. Yes, if you still want to give, your funds will be hugely appreciated. But we have stopped the fireworks, the tweeting, the videos, the letters. We have declared victory, with just $1,000 in the bank from this campaign. No, that is nowhere close … Read more

5 Last-Minute Fundraising Tips

Our open, transparent year-end appeal is happening! As of this morning, we had topped $1,000 in our last-minute appeal. We are excited! Our commitment has been to share our strategy, our targets, our goals and our progress. And while I blogged our goals and budget last week, we are learning that doing a campaign with … Read more

Friends for Real

Something surprising happened to me this week. I was preparing a pre-reading list for a client – the list of readings and video clips that allow our precious face-to-face time to be more meaningful.  This workshop will be about engagement, and so I flipped through the books I’ve written on those subjects, to cite pages … Read more