This area is filled with how-to articles, engaging conversations, and tons of examples of Catalytic Thinking in Action including actual planning sessions. Much to explore and learn from!

Change the Questions, Change the World!

In early 2013, Creating the Future began the work of honing our messaging – to have our website and logo and one-on-one conversations all reflect the same easy-to-grasp message of what Creating the Future is all about. Those of you who were part of those meetings have probably been wondering what happened with all that … Read more

Outcomes that Outlast the Event: PANO / Creating the Future Conference

If the PANO/Creating the Future conference is a beginning vs. an end unto itself, what is it the beginning OF?  And what needs to be in place to ensure that whatever comes next continues to aim at the desired outcomes – building trust relationships, building upon the strengths of people in their communities, and building … Read more

What Happens AFTER the Conference?

If you've been following the development of Creating the Future's first-ever conference (in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations – PANO), you know that this event is a demonstration project. The goal of this demonstration / experiment is to explore how an educational conference can help to accomplish long term goals beyond the … Read more

The Entry Level Position You Will Not Want to Outgrow!

Creating the Future is inviting qualified applicants for the position of Operations Coordinator. This is a full-time position (graduating seniors may begin part time until graduation – see note in the complete job description linked here). This is a new entry-level position. Because Creating the Future is growing rapidly, the position will evolve over time. … Read more

Board Meeting: March 2014

The March 2014 board meeting will happen right here on Monday, March 10 at 1pm ET.  Scroll to the bottom of the screen to watch here, and tweet your participation to the hashtag #CTFuture. This month's board meeting will be a brief one with just two items to discuss / act upon: Item 1: Adding … Read more

Planning Together: Capacity Building Conference (Meeting Feb 27)

Many questions have arisen about the demonstration project Creating the Future has embarked upon with the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO). In preparation for our next meeting (Thursday February 27th from 1pm-3pm ET – watch it below), we thought we would catch folks up on what we have been doing, and what we’re learning … Read more