How to Craft a Hashtag

HashtagIn just a few short weeks, Creating the Future will be presenting its first-ever conference – a joint effort with the Pennsylania Association of Nonprofit Organizations.

Which means it is time for us to create a hashtag for the event!

This is not as simple as it seems, at least not if we want to create a tag that reaches for its potential. If this is a conference about the power we have together – to build relationships towards a shared vision and to reach for that vision together – then the typical conference hashtag (name of the org + the year) will simply not do!

We want a tag that will accomplish our goals, both within the conference and beyond – a tag that will live beyond the conference in both space and time.

We want a tag that will help engage relationships, to add ideas to ideas, to share vision and possibility beyond the 4 walls of the plenary hall.

We want a tag that reflects the theme of the event – The Power of WE – not simply as a conference theme, but as the beginning of a conversation towards the shared visoin of a healthy, thriving, vibrant world.

The intent of the conference is outlined on the registration page for the event. You can see from that page that this is not a typical conference!

So… aside from the mandate that "It should be short," what questions might we ask ourselves, to come up with a meaningful hashtag?

Many thanks to DjAvrilPerry90 for use of the graphic via Wikimedia Commons

2 thoughts on “How to Craft a Hashtag”

  1. Will this hashtag be for all subsequent Creating the Future conferences? If so, what is the main call-to-action or feeling we want our participants to leave feeling? If not, is there a template that envokes that feeling/branding but is changeable based on location and year? Do we want key words that capture the feeling of the organization: propel, ignite, passion, change or do we want key words that capture the topics of the conference as a whole: teamwork, collaboration, unified?  

    Just a few off the top of my head. Love this topic!


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