What’s Next for Creating the Future? December 2022 Integrity Conversation

Creating the Future's Integrity Team (board) Meeting:
Monday, December 12, 2022
10am-12pm Pacific time / 1pm-3pm Eastern time / 6pm-8pm UK time

What's Next for Creating the Future?

Watch the meeting LIVE at this post. Just scroll to the very bottom of the page.
Details about how to participate are below.

What's Next for Creating the Future?
For the past several weeks, Creating the Future's community has been helping to determine what's next for the organization's work. Starting with the first few questions in Catalytic Thinking, our community members have thoughtfully shared their insights into these questions:

1: What draws you to Creating the Future's work? What has our work made possible for you? What benefit have you received from our work?

2: The next steps in Creating the Future's mission will be about sharing what we've learned as we've experimented with Catalytic Thinking. What groups and/or individuals might be affected by what we share? Who might be impacted by our sharing what we’ve learned about Catalytic Thinking?

3: What could Creating the Future's work make possible for those individuals or groups?

Guided by Catalytic Thinking, the questions themselves create inclusion and possibility. And the thoughts people are sharing are great examples of that! You can find their responses to Question 1 here, and the responses to Questions 2 & 3 at this post

The next step in this process is to ask the next set of questions in Catalytic Thinking. If those first questions addressed what is important about our work and the outcomes folks feel are possible from our work, the next questions will focus on the conditions that need to be in place in order for those outcomes to be realized.

Over the next few weeks, groups will be gathering to have those conversations. If you haven't already registered for one of those conversations, there are still a few seats left - you can sign up at this link.

Our Integrity Team members and Engagement Team members will be facilitating those conversations, which means they will not have a chance to answer the questions themselves. THAT is what we will be doing at our Integrity Team meeting this month - giving our team members the opportunity to have the same discussions they will have facilitated with everyone else!

Normally we invite our community members to join us in the Zoom room for these conversations. For this meeting, though, it will just be members of our Integrity Team and Engagement Team in the actual Zoom room. That said, the meeting will still be open for you to watch, and to share your thoughts at the blog - we will absolutely review those after the meeting. 

This journey so far has been so energizing, as we all explore together. There is something inspiring in knowing that our community will make the decisions about what path this organization takes, because YOU are the ones who will be affected by those decisions.

Logistics: The meeting will happen right here at this post. Details are below.

Watch the meeting HERE on Monday
Note: if the meeting does not start on time please be patient as we may be running a few minutes late.

or, After the meeting - LISTEN TO THE MEETING HERE

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