Leading a Movement (vs. an Org): June 2015 Board Meeting


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Kokopelli 2 - reducedCreating the Future’s June board meeting will take place at this post on Monday, June 8th at 1:00 p.m. ET / 10:00 a.m. PT. Watch the meeting live and share your ideas, questions, and observations by tweeting to the hashtag #CTFuture. If the video does not appear precisely on the hour, please be patient – we are probably just running a few minutes late.

The board’s June meeting will continue the discussion at our May meeting about leadership of a movement vs. an organization. (You can find a review of that meeting’s discussion here and the video and audio of the full meeting here.) Because Creating the Future’s board members have been proud to consider themselves “a group of leaders holding themselves responsible for accomplishing our mission, this is the most important discussion our board has ever had, as it will determine what leadership structures we will adopt for accomplishing that.

Coming from that May discussion, here are some of the questions the board will address at its June meeting.

If Creating the Future is a participant in the movement to create a more humane world – a contributor, an on-ramp, a support to that movement…

1) What would active leadership look like in leading and deciding upon our current and future activities?
2) What would active leadership look like in connecting with people, organizations and networks already in the movement?
3) What would active leadership look like in sustaining and upholding our values and thought framework?
4) And finally, are we saying this is the leadership we want for this organization? If so, what would that look like? What leadership structures make sense for an organization that is amplifying & supporting a movement vs. leading a stand-alone org? What would it take for that to be how we operate?

We look forward to your being part of the meeting! We hope you’ll be able to join us for our upcoming board meeting! We look forward to hearing from you.

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