Board Meeting Agenda?

There is so much going on this month at Creating the Future that it is hard to choose which of several important issues the board should discuss in its limited time together at next week’s meeting.

Unlike most boards, though, it is not just our board that will be participating in this meeting. You will be there, too – watching via video and tweeting your thoughts and ideas and questions, being a truly valued part of the discussion.

And while we can’t say enough how valuable your participation in during the meetings (and you will hear that appreciation in both the agenda video below and the monthly report – coming soon), we are realizing it also makes sense to have that same wisdom guide our setting the agenda in the first place!

Herewith, then, the board’s agenda video for May 2013.  The issues listed in the video include:

  • The board as a “teaching and learning” living laboratory
  • Process for addressing various legal obligations (annual meeting, bylaws, budget)
  • Rotating roles among board members
  • Process for consensus decision-making (when no motion is required)
  • Process for creating the board’s meeting agenda
  • Values that will guide decision-making


So… which would you choose? Why would that item / those items be your priority? What are the factors you would use to make the decision? And please plan on being part of the meeting this Monday, May 13 at 10am Pacific time. Thanks, everyone!

Please note:
In the video, you will hear Hildy talk about a “debrief meeting.” This was a candid “just-us-over-coffee” conversation among several board members, sharing observations and insights from several different meetings. Unfortunately, we weren’t thinking about that as a public conversation when we spoke, and it would therefore take quite a bit of editing to prepare this MP3 for public consumption (lots of private family stories and etc.).

And so, while Hildy’s explanation really does cover most of what was pertinent during that long meandering conversation, we apologize that the references to that meeting makes it feel exclusionary to those who aren’t on the board.

The more we open up our work to engage more meaningfully with the world, the more we are learning about how to do that. Please chalk this one up to that learning and accept our apologies. 

2 thoughts on “Board Meeting Agenda?”

  1. Sorry for the cryptic message. Still getting comfortable with 140c.
    I tried to suggest :-), that in the spirit of the Live Laboratory, an agenda topic for Monday’s meeting could be to ask your board members to identify the roles they believe are appropriate for the CTF board. (I don’t know the makeup of your board, so I may be in left field.) If the folks create a list of roles, that minimizes, for example, financial resource development, then everyone will have a fresh perspective on that challenge.

    I believe with you that inspired work to achieve the mission, will attract support. In addition I think board members will be the most likely folks to start and generate the flow of support by actively serving CTF as ambassadors, matchmakers, and rainmakers – in addition to overseeing the organization and bringing to bear their talents/skills as part of the team that makes it all happen.

  2. I’m getting ready to head out to town and am not sure whether I’ll be able to watch the meeting. I would concur with focusing on the values upon which all decisions will be made. It seems like that discussion will put the rest of the items in to context.


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