Road Tour: Taking Our Mission on the Road 2019

What could possibly top two months on the road in 2018, sharing Catalytic Thinking across California?

Last year’s trip was such a boost to Creating the Future’s mission, and such an example of what is possible when you get out of the office and connect with real people about the WHY of your work. What could possibly top that?

Answer: Being invited back by the people we met on that tour last year!

Right now, we are on the road for a full month of speaking and meeting and teaching, sharing the simple fact that anyone can make a difference in creating a more humane, healthy, joyful future for our world. That is not a pipe dream. It is a choice each person makes, to ask more effective questions in everything they do.

This year, there is an added goal:
To engage in conversation about the way social change is supported, to re-imagine what it really takes to “change the world.”

Our calendar of events includes public presentations in San Francisco and in Pasadena. (See all our events here.) We’ll be recording audio at at least one talk I’ll be doing, for those of you who won’t be able to join us. And as we did last year, will block the highlights of what we learn, to keep to our mission of
1) Experimenting, exploring, pushing boundaries, and learning, and
2) Sharing what we learn.

If you’d like to contribute to making this trip possible, as well as all our post-trip sharing, that would be awesome. We promise to add photos, too, because what would a Road Tour in California be without photos of that beautiful place? Please contribute here.
And if you would like to bring Creating the Future to your community, to inspire and teach folks what it takes to re-imagine what is possible, please let us know!

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