Rethinking Philanthropy: The Project as it is Evolving

This post is part of an ongoing series inviting social change funders and investors to recreate how social change is resourced, to align the values of their means with their intended ends.  To read about this effort from its inception, head here.  For all posts related to rethinking philanthropy in general, click the category link here.

Creating the Future is at the beginning of a journey – not just to reinvent philanthropy, but to reframe how each of us aligns our means with our ends, being the future we want to see right here now. 

Our goal is simple – change the questions embedded in the day-to-day work of individuals and organizations, so everyone naturally brings out the best in each other and in our world. And we know that is possible, simply because it is not impossible

As part of this journey, we will be spending this year seeking partners who want to explore alongside us. We know there are many groups already exploring this issue. We also know there are groups who would love to do so, but haven’t yet found the on-ramp.

This quick video is a first stab at describing this project. If this is intriguing to you, we would love to begin a conversation about what this might look like for all of us!  (For the slideshare to this video, click here.)


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