July 2014 Board of Directors Meeting

Creating the Future's board meeting will happen right here on Monday, July 14th at 1pm EDT. Scroll to the bottom of this post to watch it live. To share your ideas, questions, and observations, tweet to the hashtag#CTFuture.

Board Packet Materials:
• Agenda

• Board Report: Video

One of the best things about offering leadership to a new and growing organization is watching the evolution from a front row seat.  Like all start-ups, Creating the Future is blessed with tons of opportunity.  Nothing is yet set in stone and program ideas come up like quick-growing zucchini on a summer vine – there are lots of them, and you feel like you need to make something out of each one!

And so, it’s time for Creating the Future’s board to establish its first “community impact plan”.  For those who are new to this term, it’s a re-frame of traditional planning practice that puts the question, “what do we really want for our community?" at the heart of the conversation, and then reverse-engineers the favourable conditions that would be needed to achieve our goal.  Hildy Gottlieb’s TEDx Tucson talk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_yuwypm2Qc) gives a great description of how the process works. Have a look.

At the July meeting of the board of directors for Creating the Future, we will be working together to develop an approach to creating our community impact plan.  We’ll be focusing our conversation on five key questions, which are listed here:

1. What will our developing a plan together make possible? For others? For Creating the Future itself?

2. What conditions will make that collective planning possible? What will we need to have?

3. What actions will create those conditions? What will we have to DO?

4. What resources does each of us have to bring to that effort (that list of what we need)?

5. What will we as leaders of this organization do to ensure this planning happens?

We invite you to join this important dialogue, as we develop the “plan for planning”.  Like all boards everywhere, we are aware that this plan will set the stage for the next several years, and there’s such great potential embedded in each of our planning conversations.  So please come along with us, and add your voice to the mix.  



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2 thoughts on “July 2014 Board of Directors Meeting”

  1. Hi. Does the live board meeting magically appear at the right time? If not, how do we access it if it's not here now? Thanks! Susan

  2. Hi Susan:  The live link will appear on this page in and around 1:00 pm. Eastern time on Monday July 14th. You can watch the meeting here, and we enourage you to participate via Twitter at #CTFuture.  It will be great to "see" you again!  🙂


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