Debrief: Creating the Future’s BoardSource Experience

BoardSource conference logoOn Thursday, December 5th at 3pm ET, we’ll be debriefing our participation in this year's BoardSource conference. The video of that session will appear at the bottom of this post at the time of the meeting. To participate, tweet to #CTFuture.

This year for the first time in many many years, BoardSource opened their conference to presenters from outside their own realm. Creating the Future was fortunate to be chosen to present a session titled Extreme Accountability, about our open participatory way of working.

"The highest potential of accountability is for boards and their meetings to be a place for a community’s aspirations and concerns to be heard and acted upon." ~ From our BoardSource session

The presentation team of Nancy Iannone, Gayle Valeriote, Hildy Gottlieb and Dimitri Petropolis were joined by other Creating the Future fellows (12 of us, all tolled) who gathered to learn from each other and from the 700 or so other briliant minds in the room.

"Your board will create the most impact when the design of the processes and systems you use in your day-to-day board work reflect the future you want to see in your community." ~ From our BoardSource session

Because our session was crafted using the same participatory approach we were presenting about, it is only fitting that we debrief and reflect on all we accomplished openly as well – right here via video and twitter. (See the proposal discussion here, the actual crafting of the session here and the final outline of the workshop here.)  Please join us on December 5th to help us exlpore questions including…

  • What did Creating the Future’s experience at BoardSource accomplish – and for whom?
  • What did we learn from the experience?
  • What will it take to create even better outcomes next time?

We know from our experience that the “for whom” question is a big one. During our discussion, we will be asking about

  • Conference attendees (board members, consultants, CEO's)
  • Creating the Future’s fellows themselves
  • Creating the Future’s mission
  • The shared missions of Creating the Future and BoardSource – that boards step into their power to create the future of their communities.

Prior to attending the conference, the team of presenters created their own list of outcomes for each of those groups. Our debrief session will be using those outcomes as a starting point for our conversation. You'll find that list here.

To help those who were not in attendance – and to serve as a refresher for those who attended our session, the slides from the session are linked here. And the handouts are linked here.

If you were present at the conference – and even if you were not able to be there, and want to hear about what we all learned – this is the place to share your thoughts and questions and ideas. We hope you will join us!

Debrief meeting: Creating the Future’s participation in the BoardSource Leadership Forum 2013
When: Thursday, December 5th
3pm ET / 12noon PT
Location: Right here!

To watch, the video will appear right here. To participate, head to Twitter and tweet with the hashtag #CTFuture (Remember – if you don't use the hashtag, we won't see your tweets).

Please note: There will be no video until the meeting begins. If it's 3pm or a few minutes after, and there is no video, please wait for it – we may just be starting a few minutes late.

See you then!

2 thoughts on “Debrief: Creating the Future’s BoardSource Experience”

  1. It would have made SO MUCH difference for participants to have the notes either in hard or soft copy for the seminar at BLF.  The handouts were very rich and would have supported the interactive discussion.


    It appeared some participants did not come to the workshop 'open' to take in new or fresh approaches.  While the title of the Leadership forum was bold, risky and big thinking, there was an attachment to previous ways of doing things.  This meant that resistance surfaced by the very suggestion of applying other ways.


    Pariticpants who did stay in the workshop commented on how workshop presenters met their concerns and fears with nonjudgement and understanding of their concerns.   This is truly positive and encouraging.



    • This is just what we're looking for, Tesse. Wishing you could be part of the discussion (and will definitely add this into the mix in your absence).


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