Board Meeting: December 2013 – Bylaws and the Role of the Board

BylawsOur December board meeting is Monday, December 9 at 1pm ET(NA).

To join in the conversation, watch for the video stream to appear at the end of this post. To ask questions, to share observations, to participate as part of our community – tweet to us using the hashtag #CTFuture. 

For the video describing the agenda for this meeting, click here.

Coming Up to Speed
At our last few meetings, we have been discussing our bylaws. In October (click here to watch that session) we spoke in general about the highest potential for bylaws. In November (at this link), we spoke about the need to know the role of the board before considering each section of the bylaws, coming to the conclusion that without that context, it is easy for bylaws to become irrelevant and outdated documents that are rarely referenced unless something goes horribly wrong.

At that November meeting, the board began asking, "If the highest potential role of the board is as the keeper / steward of the vision and values of this movement for change and for the organization itself – what does that mean board members will do? How will they BE board members (not just at the meetings, but throughout the month) and what does that mean they will DO?" (For a more detailed look at the "aha's" from that meeting – which will lead directly into our discussion this month – click to read Bylaws: Operations Manual for the Board.)

As noted in that  "Operations Manual" post (and in the video at that post describing the agenda for this month's meeting,) we will look at what it takes for the board and its members to hold themselves accountable. From there, we can then define roles. And from there, we can codify those roles into the nuts-and-bolts Operations Manual that will be our bylaws.

In addition to reading the Operations Manual post, the following materials will be part of the board's packet this month.
• Written
agenda for the December meeting.
• Our current boilerplate
• The statement of our Values in Action.

We look forward to your joining that discussion right here!

(Please note: The video will not appear until the meeting begins. If it's 1pm or a few minutes after, and there is no video, please wait for it – we may just be starting a few minutes late).

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