Web Strategy Work – Background Info

In preparation for Creating the Future’s web strategy work, we hope this information is helpful.

First, this quick video describes the approach we’ll be taking to accomplishing our mission, as well as our work over the next few years to accomplish that. (If you’d like to look at / print out the SlideShare for that video, you’ll find it at this link.)

We also know it will be helpful to define who we need to engage if we are to accomplish that mission – the folks who will be using the website.

The following is not a complete list, but it does provide insights into the fact that
a) It is our goal to attract early adopters, big thinkers and systems influencers across all industries and sectors, and
b) Our primary focus is not folks doing the actual work on the ground, but the intermediaries who support those individuals.
The reason for that is simple – if we can influence the influencers, they will be the ones to assist and support the folks on the ground. If we are to accomplish our mission in 10 years, this will be the most effective use of our resources, especially our time.

Primary = Intermediaries
Social investors / foundations / donors
Business investors
Nonprofit capacity builders (consultants, resource centers, academic institutions)
Business capacity builders (consultants, resource centers, academic institutions)
Government capacity builders (consultants, resource centers, academic institutions)
Government systems leaders (people who lead a whole system – e.g. a City Manager)
Corporate leaders

Secondary = On-the-ground orgs / businesses / groups
Social entrepreneurs
Small business owners
Community benefit orgs of all kinds

We are including this secondary group for two reasons:
1) Early adopters in these groups will be attracted to the work we’re doing, and we want to be sure there is something there for them – again, the goal being to accomplish the mission – that practices that bring out the best in people become the norm, everywhere, for everyone.
2) We also know that having these resources will help the intermediaries with ready-to-go tools and support for the work they are doing with those on-the-ground folks.

We hope this background is helpful. As the web strategy sessions continue, we’ll continue to add resources to help with that process!

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