The BEST Internship EVER: An Invitation

Do you want to learn what it takes to create systems change?

Creating the Future is seeking interns and volunteers to help document and share what we are learning about creating systems that bring out the best in people.

Those systems may be workplace systems or community systems. The systems in community benefit organizations, or the systems found in governments or businesses. Or they might be the cultural systems that guide our interpersonal communications and relationships.

Our goal is to document what we are learning about building systems that bring out the best in people. And to share that with the world.

Why Documenting and Sharing What Works is Critical for Our Mission
Creating the Future is a 10 year experiment to see how much more humane the world could be if every system, everywhere, were bringing out the best in people.

For people to adopt approaches that bring out the best in themselves and those around them, they must…

• sense that they have the power to change the systems in which they find themselves (vs. feeling the futility of “fighting the system”)
• understand what works to bring out the best in people (and understand the science of what brings out the worst in us)
• see and hear stories about individuals like themselves, who have created systems change – to see what is possible in their own world.

That is why documenting and sharing our own stories of successful systems change is critical to the success of our mission.

And that is why we are seeking people who are excited to learn about changing systems from the inside out – changing systems by changing the questions those systems are answering.

This position is for you if …

  • If you want to be part of something bigger than yourself, where the outcome of your work will have the potential to change systems around the world
  • If you want to be on the ground floor of scaling a global effort, as part of the larger movement for positive change already happening around the world
  • If you want to learn what creates change in real life by interviewing people who are creating change in their lives, their work and their communities
  • If you want to learn and practice Catalytic Thinking, the set of practices that bring out the best in people in any situation (hint: we use that framework for everything we do at Creating the Future, and you will have tons of practice with the framework every day)
  • If you want to learn about the work environments that bring out the best in YOU / create conditions for success for YOU
  • If you want to be in a supportive work environment, with people who find as much joy in exploring and learning as you do, walking the talk of bringing out the best in each other
  • If you want to be part of the action, helping develop strategy, as well as implementing that strategy, in an environment where every voice matters and you will never be “just” the intern
  • If you are eager to get your creative social-change juices flowing 

Then this may be the internship of your dreams!

Just click on this link, put the word “Intern” in the subject line, and let us know a bit about you…

• Please tell us about what excites you about this internship. Please share the reasons this position is intriguing / exciting to you.

• Do you have a flair for writing?  This internship is about turning verbal interviews and/or meeting notes into short, punchy stories that get to the point AND that people will want to read. Do you have the writing skills to turn those notes into engaging stories?

• Do you enjoy being part of a team AND ALSO working on your own? We are seeking several interns, and you will be working as a team, learning together and supporting each other in this effort. That said, you will also be working on your own or in pairs as you interview people to hear their stories, or participate in and document strategy discussions.

• Let us know which of these interests you the most (choose any that apply):

҉   Interested in social change, behavioral change, cultural change overall
҉   Interested in cutting edge, experimental approaches to boards and governance
҉   Interested in learning more effective ways of running community benefit organizations in general

• Can you commit 10 hours per week to this effort, for the duration of your internship? (Applies to interns only – volunteers, let us know how many hours you would like to participate.)

And one more thing…
If there is anything we either left out of this post or questions we haven’t answered, please let us know. Because like everything at Creating the Future, we are experimenting…

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

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