New Logo for Creating the Future – Part 2

NewLogoContinuued PainterWe asked, and you answered! After receiving an enormous amount of feedback on what you envisioned a new logo for Creating the Future would look and feel like, we were able to gather all the blog comments, Facebook comments and other input into a design request.

As a reminder of what we are trying to accomplish, here is a link back to the previous post. 

We took your design inputs and submitted it to a crowd source design community called DesignCrowd. Designers from across the globe are invited to create a design for the project. So far we have received over 50 design ideas, some of which are in the collage you see below. It has been exciting to see how designers have interpreted your input in designing a logo that represents Creating the Future.


Now, the next part of this process is to choose one candidate to turn their initial idea here into a final design — and we need your help to determine which that should be!

Please follow the link below to look at the designs and tell us which design you feel best captures Creating the Future. 

To review the designs

(NOTE: Clicking on a logo design will enlarge it so you can see it better)

MOST IMPORTANT: Please add your comments or suggestions so we can provide input to the designers. (For example, while many of them have the energy and feeling you all talked about, none of them directly incorporate our tag line!) There is a polling link where you can rate and comment on each of the designs. Also, you can open an enlarged version of each design in a new tab or window (by right clicking on a PC or using the command key on a Mac.) That way you can keep commenting without having to reload the page. Finally, you do not need to register to vote or comment.

Thanks to all of you for helping with this. We’re so close to having a logo that truly represents who we are, and we couldn’t have done this without you.

3 thoughts on “New Logo for Creating the Future – Part 2”

  1. There are waaay too many for us to really think carefully about each one. Can we submit more than once, so we can take our time as we go through them? Or can you break this into 2-3-4 different batches?

    • Susan,
      We so appreciate that you’re taking time to look at and comment on the designs. We wanted all the potential designs all in one place so you wouldn’t have to skip around and so that you could see them juxtaposed.

      You can enlarge specific designs into a separate tab or window by right clicking on the image and selecting tab or window if you’re on a PC, or press shift and click the image if you are on a Mac. That way you don’t lose your place on the main screen and can rate and comment on as many designs as you want in one session. Also, you can come back later submit comments more than once.

      Again, thank you for your comments Susan.

  2. If we enlarge one after rating another one, and we have to rate them again. Can the enlargements be opened in a new window so we don’t lose what we’ve already rated?


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