Monday Morning Rock Out!

Happy Monday! I spent this past weekend thinking about Debbie, my best friend from childhood. In a few months, Dimitri and my work will take us to the community where she lives, and so I’m thinking a lot about Debbie these days.

After 30 years of living 3,000 miles apart, Deb and I are still as close as we were when we were kids. When we see each other in person, we pick up mid-thought, finishing each other’s sentences within the hour.

There is truly nothing more amazing than the kind of friendship where you really are two halves of one joyful whole.

Oh Victor Borge just makes me smile all the time! I crack up every time I see his duet with Dean Martin. I love his duet with Rowlf on the Muppets.

While he was always funny, alone or in a team, Victor Borge was always at his best when he was bouncing his energy off someone else.

And yes, you know what I am going to say: That energy is exactly what happens when we engage more and more people in the work of our organizations!

What joy there is in doing that work with others! Whether it is clearing the weeds in the back lot or getting a mailing out, that is what engagement is all about – working together joyfully, side by side.

So get out there this week and engage the community in your work. Do it by Gardening in the Front Yard, or simply by picking up the phone and letting someone know you are grateful they are in your life.

Do it now. There is no better way to start the week!

Have a great Monday and a great week, all!

(If you are new to the Monday Morning Rock Out, you can find previous Rock Outs here – enjoy!)

2 thoughts on “Monday Morning Rock Out!”

  1. Thank you, Hildy, for a delightful lunch break (Eastern time). Your link to Victor Borge took me to Julie Andrews by way of Dean Martin then Gene Kelly. I never knew that she tapped with Gene Kelly! Oh, well, back to work.


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