Catalytic Thinking in ACTION Meeting 1

Watch our first meeting held on Tuesday, April 5, 2016


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What would it make possible for you if you could easily learn how to change your day to day work to bring out the best in others? Well, that’s the resource we are beginning to build – a place where folks like you share their successes in all types of situations, organizations and relationships. If you want to a better way to get stuff done in your workplaces and your life, we want your help in creating a place you can find just that!

At Creating the Future, our 10 year mission is to change the questions embedded in the day-to-day work of individuals and organizations, so everyone naturally brings out the best in each other and in our world. The new Catalytic Thinking in Action blog is going to help make that happen in a big way!

Catalytic Thinking is a practice for creating conditions that bring out the best in people and situations. And Catalytic Thinking practitioners are out there practicing every day, in more ways than we can imagine.

It is our hope that this new blog will give us all a place forwateryourmind sharing stories about those practices, in every aspect of organizational, personal and community life. What does Catalytic Thinking look like that is different from how you might otherwise approach a situation? In what ways would your actions be different from what you’re doing now? And what could be the result?

When Catalytic Thinking is the basis for HR policies in a workplace, what does that make possible for the employees? For the management team? And what would it take to get that result in YOUR workplace? What might that mean you could do differently?

When Catalytic Thinking is used for having a conversation with a teenager who just got his driver’s license, what does that make possible for the family, for the parents, and for their son? And what would it take for you to get that result in YOUR family? What might that mean you could do differently?

When Catalytic Thinking is the basis for every staff meeting in an organization, what does that make possible for those employees in their day-to-day lives? And what would it take for you to get that result in YOUR staff meetings? What might that mean you could do differently?

As this new blog begins to take shape, we want your ideas and wisdom to be part of that effort. You can be part of this initial exploration in two ways:

  • Help us explore right here and now by answering the questions we’ve posed below
  • Join us at our first meeting – Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 3pm Eastern time. Send a note to [email protected] and we’ll get you the details for participating. Let us know if you would like to be inside the meeting itself, or if you’d prefer to watch here at the blog and tweet your participation.

Share Your Thoughts

As you think about a new blog that shows what the practice of Catalytic Thinking looks like in action – not only sharing the results, but the details of what folks have done that you can adapt and try for yourself…woman_using_a_computer_clip_art_9903

  • What excites you about this idea?
  • What potential do you see in this new blog?
  • What has been your experience with blogs like the one we envision? What have you seen work well?
  • Are there blogs that you love because of the practical wisdom you receive from them – things you can put into action right now? If so, please let us know which blogs, and especially what you love about them!
  • Is there something we forgot to ask here? (Please ask it and then answer it!)

We look forward to learning from you. And we look forward to creating a practical place for all of us to learn together what it looks like in practice to bring out the best in each other and ourselves, in every situation we encounter.

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