Catalytic Thinking in Action Blog Development: Meeting #3

roleplaying Amazing people have now met twice to figure out the wonderful possibilities of a story-telling platform that helps people apply Catalytic Thinking to all their relationships, situations and daily lives. Wow!

Together we’ve explored the highest potential of the platform and for whom. We’ve identified a long list of people who could benefit, directly and indirectly. We’ve talked through what the platform makes possible for story contributors, what people on the platform need to feel, know and understand, and what it would take. We’ve created the favourable conditions to make the new communications platform work beyond my wildest dreams when I first proposed the concept. We’ve touched on the values alignment. We expanded the vision of success and imagined how to achieve it. It was only going to a blog at first!

In other words, we’ve been using Catalytic Thinking to develop the Catalytic Thinking In Action platform. The more we practice, the better we get at using Catalytic Thinking no matter what we have to deal with. This approach works!

You can read the Meeting Notes at here and here. I encourage you to do that, whether or not you were at the meetings. The discussions were so rich, and the ideas so great that you couldn’t possibly remember them all. You can also watch the videos of the meetings themselves here and here.

Now it’s time to consider the platform itself.

  • What does the platform need to have, in order to create the conditions we have already listed?
  • What does the platform itself need to be? What does it need to communicate?
  • And importantly, what will it take for a platform to be that and communicate that?

At our meeting on June 6th, we will begin developing that list and figuring out how to implement it. In part that will mean deciding as a group what will have to wait. For example, the Creating the Future website blow-up and rebuild is still happening, so we may not have all the right tools just yet.

Whether or not you were at the prior meetings, we want your voice and wisdom as we continue the conversation. Please join us at our third meeting – Monday 6, 2016 at noon Pacific, 3pm Eastern time. If you weren’t at meeting 1 or 2, please send a note to [email protected] and we’ll get you the details for participating. Unfortunately the meeting will not be streamed live this week, due to technical issues, but it will be recorded and posted for later viewing.

If you haven’t been at a meeting guided by Catalytic Thinking, this is a great opportunity to participate in one.

If you can’t be at the meeting, we’d love to hear your thoughts in advance on anything to do with this new platform. Please comment below. And please RSVP to let us know if you’re coming. See you then!

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