Board / Community Meeting Dec 15th 2016

Please join us for this month’s board / community meeting!

To watch and participate…

Watch the meeting live right here at this post. If the video does not appear precisely on the hour, please be patient – we are probably just running a few minutes late.

To share your ideas, questions, and observations, head to Twitter and tweet to us, using the hashtag #CTFuture. If you don’t use the hashtag, we won’t see your tweet! (Also please note that if you comment here at the blog, we will only see those comments after the meeting. During the meeting, we follow only the Tweet stream.)

The topics we’ll be discussing include (see agenda here).board-members-2-bw-lr

  • Review: Creating the Future’s 990 filing with the IRS. (You can find our 2015 filing here. In early 2017, we will annotate that post, much as we did with our 2013 filing here.)
  • Update: Creating the Future’s status re: restructuring the organization (Watch this 3 minute video for an update on that exciting effort, and review the current status on all our efforts in this progress report here.)
  • Discussion: Criteria for determining whether to pursue partnership opportunities Read more about this topic here.

The meeting will take place right here at this post, on Thursday, December 15 from 1pm to 3pm Eastern time (US). 


Listen to the Audio Only:


Download the MP3
(To download to your hard drive, right-click {or click and hold on a Mac} on the link above and select “Save Target As”.. or “Save Link as”… depending on your browser)


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