Supporting Changemakers during COVID

Community change agents face unique challenges during this time of uncertainty. In addition to the personal issues we are all dealing with, changemakers are also called to address the vast need in communities, wherever you live.

What does it take to walk that line with as much grace and effectiveness as possible, when there are days when life just doesn't make sense?

As we navigate these new waters, Creating the Future has been honored to partner with the Association for Corporate Citizenship Professionals (ACCP). The conversation below, between ACCP's Carolyn Berkowitz and Erica Bader, and Creating the Future founder Hildy Gottlieb, is just one great result of that partnership.

Whether you are working in a traditional nonprofit, a government program, a corporate environment, a social enterprise - if your work and your life are about making this world a better place, this conversation is about YOU!

Watch the meeting HERE


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