Seeking Partners at Creating the Future: Meeting #3

Creating the Future has been developing a plan to find true partners for building out our efforts to accomplish our mission. Our approach to identifying the fit for those partners will be a sleuthing effort, engaging in conversations rooted in inquiry and a real desire to connect and share the work we are doing. Our planning efforts right now will design that sleuthing effort, reaching for what the effort itself can make possible at its highest possible potential.


The next project design meeting (Meeting #3) will happen on Wednesday, February 28th from 1pm-4pm Pacific time. The meeting will happen right here. For details on how to participate, head to the bottom of the post.

Watch the meeting live right here at this post. If the video does not appear precisely on the hour, please reload the page and be patient – we are probably just running a few minutes late.



Listen to the Audio

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Summary of Past Meetings
During our first meeting about this topic, we grounded ourselves in the approach we will be taking for this work, using Catalytic Thinking to design our approach. For a summary and the video / audio of that first meeting, head to this post.

At our second meeting, we began using the Catalytic Thinking framework to create our course of action. Catalytic Thinking always begins with listening, and that is what we spent that second meeting doing – listening for what is important as we step into the work of identifying partners. You can listen / watch that meeting here. And the summary of what transpired is here (we highly recommend reading that summary – it is inspiring!)

Meeting #3: Topic and Approach
During the meeting on February 28th, we will begin reaching for what is possible, pivoting from the outcomes we identified in our last conversation. The questions that will guide our discussion will include…
• What do we want our sleuthing efforts to make possible? And possible for whom?
• Beyond simply finding our ultimate partners, the actual sleuthing itself will create many ripples of results. What might that sleuthing process itself make possible? And possible for whom?

We are excited for this discussion, as we consider the highest potential outcome for a year (or more?) filled with meaningful conversations with people who care deeply about how we humans be with each other. And we hope you will join the conversation!

To watch and participate…
There are 3 ways to participate in our meetings.

  • If your commitment to Creating the Future’s work is calling you to be actively involved in the meeting discussion side-by-side at our online “meeting table,” let us know, and we will send you an invitation to join us online.
  • If you want to participate without being inside the meeting itself, watch the live-stream in real time right here at this post, and tweet your questions and ideas to us via the hashtag #CreatingTheFuture. We will read those tweets aloud during the meeting, bringing you into the discussion just as if you were there. 

(Please note: We will only see your tweets if you use the #CreatingTheFuture hashtag. In addition, during the meeting, we will not look at blog comments here at this post. While we will check those comments later, during the meeting we will only be following the #CreatingTheFuture hashtag in the Twitter stream.)

  • Lastly, if you want to simply watch, or you want to think about what you’re hearing and respond later – or if you will be watching the recording after the meeting happens – please add your thoughts into the comments here at this post. We will include that thinking into the mix of things.

We look forward to your being part of our discussion on Wednesday, February 28th at 1pm Pacific time (US).

Watch the meeting live right here at this post. If the video does not appear precisely on the hour, please be patient – we are probably just running a few minutes late.




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