Succesion Planning Puzzle Imagae

Succession Planning:
Catalytic Thinking in Practice

Here’s your chance to build a Succession Plan
using Catalytic Thinking –
guided by Creating the Future founder, Hildy Gottlieb


In this brand new program, we will practice Catalytic Thinking with a real-life issue – succession planning - using Creating the Future as the example (and if you're ready for it, your own organization as well!)

Do you have a succession plan
for key roles in your organization?

This will not be a “theory class” (although you will learn plenty of theory along the way). We will create a real plan, aimed at real action - a real time case study. Whatever we co-design together, Creating the Future will implement immediately, and YOU will be able to use as a model in your own succession planning efforts!

And because this is a BETA of a new program, you will be helping us design the program as we go!

What that means for your SUCCESSION PLAN:

  • If you have thought about CREATING A SUCCESSION PLAN, but have faced the emotional reluctance that often accompanies that subject... 
  • If a funder, donor, or consultant has been CONCERNED that you don't have a succession plan...
  • If you learn best by putting theory into ACTION, learning by DOING…
  • If your current succession plan is grooming an individual to take your place (vs. putting systems in place, so that you're NOT RELYING ON ONE PERSON)...
  • If you want to LEARN AND EXPLORE ALONGSIDE PEOPLE LIKE YOU, who are stepping into their own Succession Planning...
  • AND if you want a model / sample Successon Plan that you can use as a basis for your organization...

You will get a ton out of this program!

What that means for your CATALYTIC THINKING Practice:

  • If you have played with Catalytic Thinking and want experience in REAL TIME with a REAL ISSUE to build your confidence in the framework…
  • If you learn best by putting theory into ACTION, learning by DOING…
  • If you are seeking MORE EFFECTIVE DECISION-MAKING processes for any issue or situation (vs. throwing ideas against the wall to see what sticks, a.k.a. brainstorming)…
  • If you want to PRACTICE ALONGSIDE PEOPLE LIKE YOU, to connect with people who are also experimenting with Catalytic Thinking on their own...
  • And if you are excited to be guided in all that by Creating the Future founder, Hildy Gottlieb…

You will love this program!

Program Details

What is it?
You can think about this as a real-world opportunity to design your own succession plan, using Catalytic Thinking as your guide. OR you can think about it as facilitated learning and practice experience, applying Catalytic Thinking to a real-world issue – succession planning. Because this program will provide BOTH those results!

What will you be practicing?
How to apply Catalytic Thinking to the critical issue of succession planning for key roles. You’ll get practical experience and tons of support, to apply what you learn to your own work environment – all from your own desk!
Check out the "What You'll Get" section below.

Who is it for?
If you need a succession plan and have faced the emontional hurdles of creating one for your organization...
If you want to practice Catalytic Thinking with expert guidance and support, with a real topic, to gain experience and confidence...
This program is for you!
Great for beginners just putting a toe in, and for more experienced practitioners. We will go at your pace!

How will it work?
• This cohort will be small - no more than 20 people - to ensure that everyone receives as much as possible from the program. 
• Upon registering, you will receive videos and worksheets for a self-paced intro / refresher on Catalytic Thinking
• The online community of practice will also begin immediately, as we get to know and trust each other.
• Facilitated Catalytic Thinking practice sessions focused on succession planning – one per month for 4 months, coinciding with our board meetings  - November 2021 through February 2022. We will use Creating the Future as the case study, to have a single example to focus on.
• In between those sessions, we will schedule live Q&A sessions via Zoom, plus text-based chat "office hours" - for sharing, practicing, asking questions, addressing issues that are specific to your your own situations.
• Upon completion, Creating the Future will create a written report detailing the process and the results, for you to share with your own teams.

When are the Facilitated Sessions? And when are the live Q&A and "Office Hours" Sessions?
The facilitated Succession Planning sessions will coincide with our board's Integrity Conversations, the first Monday of each month, from 10am-12noon Pacific time. They will happen via Zoom, recorded for those who miss a session. 

November 8      December 13
January 10    February 14

The Zoom Q&A sessions and the text-based "Office Hours" will fit with YOUR schedule. We will work together to find times that work for the cohort, to be sure you can participate.

What does “BETA” mean?
This program is a first of its kind for Creating the Future. As such, you will be helping us identify what is working well, what other features might be needed, areas we might have overlooked. Your input will help us finalize this “cohort learning” program. 

What You'll Get:

  • A model succession plan that you can apply to your own organization
  • The opportunity to work on your plan alongside peers and alongside Creating the Future's team, as we create a real plan for Creating the Future, that can be used as a model for your own organization
  • A combined focus on a single case study - Creating the Future - as well as individual focus on your own organization
  • 8+ hours of live facilitation, in 2 hour sessions spread over 4 months, so that you can slowly absorb and practice on your own. 
  • Written summaries of the facilitated sessions, for easy reference when you’re applying it yourself - and to share with colleagues, board members, donors, and other stakeholders who have been encouraging you to think about succession.
  • Live Q&A sessions via Zoom between the facilitated sessions, to connect with Creating the Future’s team and with each other – to ask questions, share stories, and support each other.
  • Real-time text-based chat "Office Hours," to stay connected when you can't join in on Zoom.
  • All video sessions will be recorded, to refer back to whenever you need to. 
  • Worksheets for your own projects
  • Recorded classes on Catalytic Thinking, to refer to for your own work and life
  • Online learning community for sharing your own experience with your fellow participants, facilitated by members of Creating the Future’s faculty
  • And more

What is the Tuition:

This program is
available by donation.
We ask that you contribute
no more than you can afford,
and no less than you feel it is worth.

The more you practice Catalytic Thinking for one topic, the more comfortable and confident you will feel to apply it to your work and your life.

Your Instructor

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Hildy Gottlieb

Hildy Gottlieb is a social scientist and asker of powerful questions. She is the co-founder of Creating the Future, the creator of the Catalytic Thinking framework, and a strong advocate for the power we all have to change the systems we find ourselves in, by changing the questions we ask.