Current e-Journal

December 30, 2019

Re-imagine EVERYTHING about Social Change:
In 2019, we began analyzing the systems that support social change - from decision-making to accounting, from equity and inclusion to resourcing, from evaluation to engagement.
Our findings: None of those systems is designed to accomplish social missions. No wonder this work is so hard! Read more…
In 2020 we will determine what role Catalytic Thinking can play in reimagining all those systems (yes, all!), towards creating a world that works for everyone.
Make Systems Change Education more accessible to everyone:
In 2019 we continued making the content from our immersion courses more accessible to anyone who wants to learn about systems change.
In 2020, we will take two major steps in that direction.
1) More “easy to access” Education Programs
More click-and-play classes. More free videos and how-to blog posts. Downloadable forms and exercises. A social change bookstore. Webinars and short workshops. And a whole lot more.
2) Wider reach via Partners
This brand new effort will be co-designed by academic institutions, local resource centers, and consultants who want to incorporate our content into their classes. Talk about carrying our mission into the world! If you’d like to be involved in that effort, please let us know.
Demonstration Project: Our own Board
So many of you have been involved in our board’s ongoing exploration: If there were no such thing as organizations and boards as we know them, what would we build to accomplish social missions?
In 2019, that work focused on ensuring the organization is working with integrity. Read more here…
In 2020, we will move from theory and inquiry, to building out our own board based on what we have discovered. If this intrigues you, please join these discussions!
Demonstration Project: Collective Enoughness
Our eJournal subscribers are always intrigued by the principle of Collective Enoughness – that together we have everything we need.
In 2020, Creating the Future will use our own internal need for administrative support as a Collective Enoughness demonstration project!
To whet your appetite, we’re sharing this video as a New Year’s gift. Normally part of our classes, it describes how a whole organization was built via shared resources.
THAT is what we will be doing this spring. And you will have a front row seat, to watch that unfold in real time!
With all these programs bringing our systems-change mission forward, we hope you will be part of the excitement. Because you really are the reason we do what we do.
Your participation in Creating the Future’s work makes every day a gift. And we wish for you every possible joy in the year ahead.

P.S. If you find this eJournal and our other programs of benefit in your own life, please contribute one last time in 2019, to help create what is possible. Please contribute here…
Want to learn alongside other people who are also trying out Catalytic Thinking practices? Join our Catalytic Thinking in Action community on Facebook - a welcoming place where you can ask questions and learn from people like you who are experimenting with these practices. We look forward to seeing you there!
Help Keep Our Programs Freely Available
Most of the programs at Creating the Future are free or low cost, with liberal tuition assistance when they aren’t.
If you find our programs of benefit, we hope you will consider contributing, to help keep these programs available to as many people as possible. Donate here ...
eJournal Archives:
If you’re new to our eJournal, or just want to remind yourself of past practice exercises we’ve shared, check out our eJournal archives here.

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Creating the Future is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization in the U.S.A