Creating the Future's Values in ACTION (April 2016 Board Meeting)

Watch Today’s Board Meeting Here

(Please note that due to a technical issue the meeting was recorded in two parts. Also, there is a small gap between the sessions.)

Part 1

Part 2

Watch Today’s Board Meeting Here



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Values as a Verb LRCreating the Future’s Board/Community Meeting will take place right here on Monday, April 11 from 1pm-3pm ET (US).  Scroll to the bottom of this post for details on how to watch and participate.

It is no surprise that the restructuring effort at Creating the Future will begin with our re-looking at our Statement of our Values in Action. It’s not surprising because this restructuring effort is driven by our desire to ensure that our structure is an active tool in accomplishing our mission. And that mission itself – ensuring that everyone, everywhere, knows how to bring out the best in themselves and others – is deeply rooted in those values.

At our March meeting, our board and community members determined that there are three main action areas for us to begin working on simultaneously, as we rebuild this organization in the image of the Catalytic Thinking framework that is both our guide and our mission to share and spread.

  • Legal issues and decision-making structures
  • Community Engagement
  • Resource development (not “fundraising” but real resources – people, stuff, ideas)

The group also agreed, though, that the first step is to clarify what our values will look like in action as we embark upon this journey. And so that is what we will be discussing at our April meeting.

Our current Statement of Our Values in Action is at this link. That will be our starting point as we dive in next week. We hope you will join this discussion!

That meeting will take place right here on Monday, April 11th at 1pm Eastern time. (If the video doesn’t appear immediately, we are probably just getting our act together. Hang tight, we’ll be there soon!)

If you want to be part of this meeting, there are two ways to participate in real time (and many more after the fact – like watching the video and commenting after the meeting).

  1. Be part of the meeting itself, inside the video screen. If you have been following our work on this issue and want to be part of the conversation live and in person, please click here and let us know – we will email you access info for the powerful Zoom platform we’ve been using for our meetings.
  2. Watch the video live in real time here in this post, and participate via the Twitter hashtag #CTFuture.

We are excited to continue marching towards the development of a structure that will not just support our work but further it in every way. And we are excited to have you be part of that!



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