Moving from Frustration to Abundance

From Frustration and Fear to Abundance and JoyFor social change efforts to sustain and succeed, changemakers must move beyond frustration and fear about resources, to more practical approaches for creating abundance and joy.

This Tuesday, March 26, Creating the Future will host a Flash Class webinar, “Moving from Frustration to Abundance.” And after the class is over, this post will be the place for asking questions, sharing aha’s, and digging deeper into what you learned.

What’s All This Stuff About Abundance?
Everyone talks about “abundance.” But when resources are scarce and time is even more scarce, abundance sounds like a lot of empty words from an old “Power of Positive Thinking” recording.

The reality of abundance is not about ANY of that. It is about seeing what resources are abundant and which are not. It is about using more of what is already abundant, so you are less reliant upon what is scarce. And most importantly, it is about having tools for getting out of your own way.

Abundance is not about having all the money you need to do your work – that is actually the exact opposite of abundance! It is about understanding the difference between abundant means and scarce means – and realizing that abundant means to do our work are everywhere around us.

Abundance also isn’t about having “faith in the universe.” It is about changing our assumptions about what is possible, based on more productive and practical approaches to creating change.

If you haven’t already registered, it isn’t too late – and at $9.99, you can’t beat the price. Info is at the link here.

We hope to see you there!

3 thoughts on “Moving from Frustration to Abundance”

  1. We are so sorry for the tech blips with this webinar – internet issues eventually culminated in all the power in our building going out 1 minute before the end of the webinar! At least we had 30 full minutes of everything working!

    Here is what I was going to say, and I hope you will share here:

    To embed what you have learned, please look over any notes you took during this session, and circle what stood out for you. And then share those at the blog post or at the Facebook page – as well as with others at your own Facebook page, or by email. Research shows that even just a moment of reflecting on what we’ve learned – and then writing that and/or acting on it immediately – more deeply embeds that learning.

    We hope you have grown to see more of the abundance all around you. For Creating the Future, thanks for all you are doing to make our world the healthy, vibrant place we all sense it can be.


  2. I am off in about an hour to my VT office. The central point of today’s meeting is to talk about resources. Yesterday’s talk gave me the language to help staff see that they have an abundance of resources…we just need to “tap and share” Thank you.

  3. The key things I took away:
    – Value what is valuable by building upon what is abundant (wisdom, experience, ideas, passion)
    – Building on that which is abundant, will grow those resources (rather than “use them up” as is the case in scarce $ resources)
    – Remember that financial sustainability is only the means, not the end (mission)


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