Self-Paced Class:
Building Resources via Collective Enoughness
A Strength-Based Approach to Finding Resources and Building Sustainable Programs
Right now,
you can finally move beyond the frustration of "trying to do more with less."
That's because real sustainability is NOT about competing better for scarce resources.
Real Sustainability comes from seeing what you already have to build upon - activating resources that are hiding in plain sight.
If you're feeling like you've tried everything you can think of to make resources more sustainable...
- Would you like to have some small steps you can try - with BIG impact - while you're waiting for your other resourcing efforts to bear fruit?
- Are you curious to think about resources in a whole new way - one that is rooted in the things that sustain EVERYTHING in our lives?
- Are you hoping to find a more strength-based approach for resourcing your work?
What is this Class? Who is it for?
This self-paced class is for anyone looking for more consistent, sustainable resources for your ideas and projects - in your business, your community organization, your government office, your neighborhood, or your life.
The class will introduce you to a strength-based approach to resources - the economic principle of Collective Enoughness, that "together we have everything we need."
The class will briefly review the brain science and economics of why standard fundraising approaches cannot produce sustainability - AND WHAT WILL.
Then you will immediately put that theory into practice.
Whether you've been doing fundraising for decades or you are brand now to this work...
Through the video lessons and the study guide / practice worksheets, you will begin to see resources in a whole new way. Importantly, you will immediately begin identifying new sources of resource for whatever you want to do.
All at your own pace...
· Watch the Video Lessons
· Read the Study Guide and other articles
· Use the practice worksheets to apply what you learn to your own situations
Click on the Class Details below for more information!
What You’ll Learn:
- How sharing resources helps you build community while building resources
- Aha’s that will allow you to retrain your brain, to see resources that have been there all along
- Steps you can take right now, to immediately find new resources for anything you are trying to accomplish - things you can do while you're waiting for grants to be approved or for donors to make decisions.
- The brain science and economics of WHY traditional approaches keep you on the fundraising hamster wheel (and what WILL get you off that vicious cycle).
- How to identify assets and resources you already have to build upon - even if you think "we've got nothing"
- How small changes to what you’re currently doing can create big results
- Why scarcity and competition PREVENT us from our creativity and wisdom (hint: it's all rooted in brain science!)
- Real-world examples you can use as a model for your own efforts
- How to move beyond the well-meaning advice to have an "abundance mindset" to actual steps for building ENOUGHNESS into your work.
- How to turn “things you can try” into systems that create repeatable results
- Bust the myths of sustainability we've all been taught - and learn what really does sustain your work
- How wealthy individuals build wealth, that you can do, too (hint: it's not about having a lot of money. Seriously.)
- And much more!
This Class Includes...
1+ hours of class time, taught by instructors who practice Collective Enoughness in every aspect of their daily lives. (For a lesson-by-lesson description, see the right-hand side of this page)
Study Guide with review sheets and practice worksheets.
Copies of key slides from the video classes, as a pdf.
Articles and videos with stories of Collective Enoughness in practice in a variety of business, community and personal settings
Our faculty will answer any question that can be answered in just a few minutes, to help as you implement what you are learning.
Introduction to Catalytic Thinking, the practice into which this strength-based resource framework fits
How strength-based approaches differ from the norm in project development
Resources for Your Mission: A Strength-based Approach to Activating Resources
that are Hiding in Plain Sight (Collective Enoughness)
ORGANIZATIONAL PERSPECTIVE: Using a strength-based approach to build a community benefit organization
COMMUNITY PERSPECTIVE: Using a strength-based approach to grow food, eliminate waste, and grow a community's economy
In the spirit of Collective Enoughness - that together we have everything we need - YOU will determine the tuition for this click-and-play class!
On the registration form, you’ll see what the tuition was for this class before we changed to a Pay-What-You-Can format. You will also see the ability to choose a different amount that is entirely up to you.
“No less than you believe it’s worth,
and no more than you can afford.”
~ Gayle Valeriote, founding board member, Creating the Future
No one will be turned away.
Because we never want money to stand between you and learning approaches that will help to create a more humane, healthy future for our world.
Got Questions?
When does the class start?
Your class is available right now! Once you register, classes are viewable at your own pace, whenever you choose to watch and as many times as you’d like. And you will have lifetime access to all those aspects of the class.
Can I access the class on my phone?
• All video aspects of this class are accessible on mobile devices, laptop and desktop computers, and your smart TV via YouTube.
• All documents are in PDF format. Any of your devices that can read a PDF will read the workbook and key slides.
Is there a live component to the class?
Every few months, Creating the Future offers live Q&A sessions for individuals who have taken our self-paced classes. Watch for invitations to those sessions in your email (and please be sure we have your current email address!).
Your Instructor