Creating the Future eJournal
October 16, 2017
Change is difficult…
or not.

It’s difficult… or not
Sometimes the biggest thing standing in our way is not an external barrier, but our assumptions and beliefs about that thing we’re considering doing.

This week’s practice is therefore all about the assumption that “it’s hard.” We hear those words all the time - about changing habits and changing systems, about improving communities or our own lives.

In this short video, members of Creating the Future’s faculty talk about getting past that mental barrier. Watch that video here…

What if it isn’t really hard at all?
What if that is just a story we’re telling ourselves?
And if that’s the case, what would it take to move from CAN’T to CAN? 

Try this:
Write down something you have been wanting to do, that you’ve avoided or put aside because you believe it’s going to be difficult.

It could be a home improvement project or perhaps getting in better physical shape. It could be learning to do something new – perhaps a new language, or learning to meditate.

Or it could be changing a whole system at work or in your community.

Whatever it is, use the questions in the video to get to the heart of why you think it will be hard, and to rethink…
  • What’s hard about it? What part of it will be difficult?And is that really difficult, or will it just take work?

  • What are you defining as “hard”? Is it that you’re missing information, or that you’ve never done it before? Or perhaps that it will be a lot of work? When you say, “It’s hard,” what are you really saying?

  • What would it really take for that project to come alive?
“It’s difficult” is a story we tell ourselves about reality. The more you can unpack what you are really feeling when you say, “That will be difficult,” the more effective you will be at creating results in your life and your work. That link between your assumptions and your actions is what makes Catalytic Thinking so catalytic – small changes creating huge results.
If resources have been stopping you, our new self-paced class will give you plenty of things to try, to move beyond that frustration. See the video introduction to that class here…
Want to learn alongside other people who are also trying out Catalytic Thinking practices? Join us at the Catalytic Thinking in Action community on Facebook - a welcoming place where you can ask questions and learn from people like you who are experimenting with these practices. We look forward to seeing you there!
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Most of the programs at Creating the Future are free or low cost, with liberal tuition assistance when they aren’t. 
If you find our programs of benefit, we hope you will consider contributing, to help keep these programs available to as many people as possible.   Donate here ...  

the Future
is a collection of people around the world, supporting each other in a grand experiment.

The experiment:
To determine how much better the world could be if the questions we ask in our day to day lives are bringing out the best in each other.

If everyone, everywhere, is bringing out the best in every person they encounter – and if the systems that guide our behaviors are built to bring out the best in all of us - how much closer will we all be to a healthy, humane world that works for all of us?
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