Creating the Future eJournal
June 26, 2017
This week’s eJournal goes behind the scenes as we try a whole lot of new things, all at once.
Going Behind the Scenes:
This week we are taking you behind the scenes, to learn alongside us as we launch a new online workshop about Collective Enoughness. 
We confess we’re a bit nervous about being this open.  But then that's just one more system we get to change – the system that says, “Don’t be vulnerable. Always be the expert.” Because so much good stuff happens when we all learn together.
So we're pulling back the curtain this week, sharing what we hope to learn from creating this new online event. 

• The Subject Matter: Resource Sharing 

What we’re hoping to learn: Subjects like "sharing resources" and the "sharing economy" are still in the “early adopter” stage. 
  • Are there enough people curious about changing their thinking about resources, to make it worthwhile to offer a whole workshop?
• Flipping the Classroom
What we’re hoping to learn: We’ve switched up what most people expect from webinars. Will people want it? 
  • There's a ton of content (videos, workbook, worksheets) that arrives the minute you register. Then instead of 10 minutes at the end of a webinar, the Q&A is 2 hours, three weeks from now, so you have time to think. Will this format work in settings where people are used to 1-hour webinars with minimal Q&A? Is it too foreign?
  • We've used this format with our immersion courses and advanced workshops, with 6-10 people. Will it work with a live Q&A with a larger group? What size group will work best? 
  • If the format works with advanced material, will it also work with introductory material? 
  • We know that people learn minimally from typical 1-hour webinars. Will this format help people to really learn? Will they do the reading? Will they attend the Q&A? Will they apply what they learn? If we survey them afterwards to find out, will they respond?
• Spoiler Alert
What we’re hoping to learn: Will people register to go deeper into a subject if they can already get a chunk of the content right now for free on YouTube? 

Our 30 minute FlashClass introducing Collective Enoughness is part of the content of the class. The rest is all new, built around that existing video. (In the spirit of transparency, we even posted that video right on the workshop page.) Will that stop people from registering? Or might it encourage them to register? How can we find out?
• Pay What It’s Worth to You
What we’re hoping to learn: This one is probably the scariest of them all. In the spirit of Collective Enoughness, the tuition for this workshop is entirely up to you. This is something we've always wanted to try. 
  • We've seen this approach work for musicians, with small-ticket items like an album. Could this work for a whole workshop?
  • What will people pay? What will they think the value is? Will they feel there is as much value as we think is there?
  • Will this just confuse people, stopping them from registering? That question prompted us to add some suggested amounts. Was that a good idea? Or might people resent it? And how will we know? 
  • Then there are questions of logistics. If this does turn out to be a good idea, what mechanisms will work best? You’ll see we did our best to work with Eventbrite’s system this time around. What other systems might work if this turns out to be something people actually like?
  • Will this provide access to people who might otherwise be unable to afford a class like this? How will we know? (And again, if we survey folks after the class, will they tell us?)
We hope these questions inspire you to think about some of these issues for your own life and work. Whether it is the simple fact of asking what might be scary to ask, or the specifics of the questions we’re pondering – please share in the Facebook Community what questions our “Behind the Scenes” look raises for you.

We promise to share what we learn with you as this journey unfolds. We’ll be developing and offering more workshops like this over the next few months, doing it in the same way, and seeing what happens.

And you will continue to have a ringside seat!

Want to learn alongside other people who are also trying out Catalytic Thinking practices? Join our Catalytic Thinking in Action community on Facebook - a welcoming place where you can ask questions and learn from people like you who are experimenting with these practices. We look forward to seeing you there!
eJournal Archives:
If you’re new to our eJournal, or just want to remind yourself of past practice exercises we’ve shared, check out our eJournal archives here.

Keeping Our Programs Freely Available
Most of the programs at Creating the Future are free or low cost, with liberal tuition assistance when they aren’t. 
If you find our programs of benefit, we hope you will consider 
contributing, to help keep these programs available to as many
people as possible.   Donate here ...  

the Future
is a collection of people around the world, supporting each other in a grand experiment.

The experiment:
To determine how much better the world could be if the questions we ask in our day to day lives are bringing out the best in each other.

If everyone, everywhere, is bringing out the best in every person they encounter – and if the systems that guide our behaviors are built to bring out the best in all of us - how much closer will we all be to a healthy, humane world that works for all of us?
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Creating the Future is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization in the U.S.A