Creating the Future eJournal
September 25, 2017
In these times when so many people are feeling angry, how can you spark a chain reaction of kindness and gratitude?
Creating a Chain Reaction of Gratitude
The phrase “chain reaction” is so common, we rarely stop to think about what it really means, and what it could mean for creating the future of our world.

We know that a chain reaction is the cause-and-effect that turns a snowball at the top of a hill into an avalanche as it rolls downward.

Just like that snowball, we humans often create emotional chain reactions. An argument with your kids at breakfast can quickly turn into their being late to school and forgetting their lunches, and your being late to work and feeling out of sorts all morning.

What that means for you is simple:
Just as a single match can ignite a raging fire, we humans have the power to spark a chain reaction of kindness and gratitude.

Try this:
The first step in this week’s practice will be familiar to many of you. And while that step is powerful on its own, the rocket fuel comes from Steps 2 and 3, where you will be creating conditions for your own chain reaction of kindness and gratitude.

Step 1: Be Grateful
At the end of each day, find at least one thing for which you are grateful, and note that thing out loud.

There is something powerful in using your voice to say something vs. just thinking it. So say it out loud:

Today, I am grateful for ______________.

You might do this by yourself, as you head home from work. You might do it with family members around the dinner table.

There are days when this feels easy, when those good things are obvious. Then there are those days when it feels like the only thing you’re grateful for is that the day is over. And that’s ok!

The practice is to find those things, big and small, for which you are grateful, and to say them out loud, to yourself or to others.

Step 2: What Caused That?
From there, ask yourself, “What led to that thing for which I’m grateful? What conditions created that result?”

If it weren’t for ____________, I wouldn’t have / feel / be   the thing you’re grateful for   .

Example: If it weren’t for the person letting me into traffic this morning, I would not have been on time for the meeting.


I was able to have / feel / be    the thing you’re grateful for    because _________ made that possible.

Example: I was able to be in a good mood all morning because we were all laughing at breakfast.

You can stop here, seeing that one thing caused the next. Or you can dive in, moving backwards to establish the whole chain of events. To do that, simply ask the question over again, this time for the thing that caused your result.
What led to that person letting me into traffic? Was he just being kind? I wonder what sort of morning he was having?” As you realize that getting to the meeting on time was dependent on the small choices of so many people, you will be seeing that chain reaction of kindness.
Step 3: Express Gratitude for All Those Causes and Effects
Once you realize that the things for which you are grateful are the result of many causes, you can express gratitude for each of the people who contributed to your day.

“If it weren’t for my husband feeling silly, we wouldn’t have been laughing at breakfast. And he was feeling silly because he watched the YouTube of that baby laughing before he came to breakfast. I’m so grateful for the person who posted that video, making it possible for him to see it. They must really love their baby!” 
If you practice this for even just a few minutes several times a week, you will begin noticing the interdependence of life all around you. And seeing those interwoven threads of reality is at the heart of what makes Catalytic Thinking so catalytic!
So this week, practice seeing the cause-and-effect of the good things in your life. And as you notice what happens as a result of that simple step, let us all know what you find!
Want to learn alongside other people who are also trying out Catalytic Thinking practices? Join us at the Catalytic Thinking in Action community on Facebook - a welcoming place where you can ask questions and learn from people like you who are experimenting with these practices. We look forward to seeing you there!
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the Future
is a collection of people around the world, supporting each other in a grand experiment.

The experiment:
To determine how much better the world could be if the questions we ask in our day to day lives are bringing out the best in each other.

If everyone, everywhere, is bringing out the best in every person they encounter – and if the systems that guide our behaviors are built to bring out the best in all of us - how much closer will we all be to a healthy, humane world that works for all of us?
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