Creating the Future eJournal
July 24, 2017
Most people think
they are
good listeners.

Even if they are not.

Why Am I Talking?
Asked if they believe they are good listeners, most people answer, “Yes.” Ironically, many of those individuals may go on and on, telling you about what great listeners they are!

The first step in becoming a Catalytic Listener will seem obvious, but here goes: Stop Talking.

Try this: WAIT
With Catalytic Thinking’s emphasis on the power of language, we tend to eschew acronyms. WAIT, however, is one that makes us smile.

WAIT = Why Am I Talking?

WAIT is a great reminder, and a great exercise.

Post a sign where you can see it, with the word WAIT in plain sight. If it’s helpful, add the words “Why am I talking?” Or just print out this page, and cut out the graphic. Remind yourself several times during the day that when the situation arises, you will pause before talking – you will WAIT.

And you will listen. Nod, smile, provide comfort or appreciation in your body language. And just listen.

Breathe in what you are hearing. What does it sound like that other person is feeling? Why is what they are sharing important to them?

If you want to begin stepping into more Catalytic Listening, when it is your turn to talk, ask them to tell you more about whatever it is they were sharing. “Tell me more about that” is an invitation, a huge part of being a Catalytic Listener. Then listen to their answer. Without talking.

You may be surprised at what you learn in this exercise. It may be what you learn from that other person. Or it may be about yourself. Don’t be surprised if what you learn includes, “Wow, I thought I was listening, but I talk more than I thought.”

If that is you, relax – we all talk more than we think we do! That is why a full 1/3 of the Catalytic Thinking framework is devoted to Catalytic Listening.

So this week, WAIT. And as you notice what happens as a result of that simple step, let us all know what you find!

Dogs on the Phone Photo: Copyright: damedeeso / 123RF Stock Photo
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the Future
is a collection of people around the world, supporting each other in a grand experiment.

The experiment:
To determine how much better the world could be if the questions we ask in our day to day lives are bringing out the best in each other.

If everyone, everywhere, is bringing out the best in every person they encounter – and if the systems that guide our behaviors are built to bring out the best in all of us - how much closer will we all be to a healthy, humane world that works for all of us?
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