Creating the Future eJournal
November 3, 2016
Collective Enoughness:
Together we have everything we need.
It is only on our own that we experience scarcity.
~ Hildy Gottlieb
When we’re little, we’re taught to share.
When we grow up, "sharing" becomes "every man for himself"… Read More Here
If only we had more money, more customers, more staff. That scarcity message drives everything from businesses operations to community benefit work.

Scarcity thinking leads us to hoard and hide and compete – whatever it takes to keep others from taking our stuff. Scarcity tells us that the only way for us to have enough is for others to not have enough.

Here’s the secret, though:
As communities, as businesses, as individuals and as a planet,
there is enough.

Because together we have everything we need. It is only on
our own that we experience scarcity.

Communities have houses and storefronts and vehicles. Neighborhoods are filled with talented people. Those resources are all around us, waiting for us to notice them and activate them.

To experiment with Collective Enoughness in your own life, try asking…

  • Who else cares about this thing I care about / want to do?
  • What resources do we have together that neither of us has all of alone?
  • What would it make possible if we pooled our knowledge, our resources, those things we hold the most dear?
Collective Enoughness works in all aspects of life, including the business world. Don’t believe us? Read the stories here.

This is just one of the inspiring posters that supports Creating the Future's programs. What will this poster make possible for YOU? Get inspired here.

the Future
is a collection of people around the world, supporting each other in a grand experiment.

The experiment:
To determine how much better the world could be if the questions we ask in our day to day lives are bringing out the best in each other.

If everyone, everywhere, is bringing out the best in every person they encounter – and if the systems that guide our behaviors are built to bring out the best in all of us - how much closer will we all be to a healthy, humane world that works for all of us?
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Creating the Future
3849 E Broadway Blvd #238
Tucson, Arizona 85716 USA
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